Black Diamond in the fifth - money, love, sex, talent, Gambling, Anger (Zodiac House Numbers)

METHOD 'cosmic therapy: how to troubleshoot the Fifth House

When they were children, have no doubts in the playground. Whether the opportunity to spend or not spend time in a given, is the point: their innate desire to play never goes away. So, playing the huge attractive aroma is the case. As a child, it was so fun to speculate about the time you run, jump, jump, jump, hide, and throw balls. Then came redRover Red Rover, Mother May I is not a bear tonight, and finally rotate forward in the bottle. The human quality is, of course, play it, take risks, to venture into the unknown, inventing new things, see if you can (and how) to deceive another person and play hard to get and keep more difficult.

The death of spontaneous fun loving happy child to trust the spirit is still alive in you no matter what went on streets to destroy him / her. It all startedto break when the games were not completed games, but people took things seriously. (As if it mattered) Then came the mammoth tiger eats wild desire of money, power, influence, control and, last but not least, the sexual domain. After inserting the dress / jacket "too far" {Why do we grow up at the King Queen of the Games.} Wanted, they have forgotten how to relax, to be "natural and comfortable."

If these green-eyed jealous jealouscompetitive compared to the animals jumped into the picture on the right jumped from the window of innocence innocent first. She became very motivated to quit reluctantly self-serving to be down sick. The ray of light in your eyes was for the exercise of golden eggs with the hoarding / accumulation of money in the stock market. She claimed that the money came power, authority, position, control, luxury, reliability and, of course, all the sex you want to keep. Gone was the naturalbelly laughter innocent. In essence, the vital life sacred and sensual art sexual impulses received in the intestines infused smashed. In its place was a synthetic replacement for the false pursuit of "success" is to compensate, but with a seething anger alert (Nothing more than that creative sexual energy), free for the loose expression. You're an artist. You need to create. Money, but not for you.

In the fifth house, the signs are on the threshold ofhow, when, why, where and to whom the money come and go in your life like rain. Because of other factors in the chart, the fifth house emphasized the color of your anger. If you want to be rich, this is the house you will find this experience in this kind of wealth. This is supposedly the home of love stories, too. But not as you imagine. This is the house of secret loves, the ones who never spoke hidden, and nevermaterialized. Who and what you are really in love with her? What happens when you sublimate your deepest desires in order to pay for instant gratification. Instead of a talent rooted Renounce portfolio banality of sparkling orange and purple clover. (Fake)

You try so hard, something thrown in another volatile stops, which sells his soul for the opportunity that the "special" in his life. You at some pointWhat you really want (to make all mortals), but will not because you tried. After a lot of live, are losing the love by chance, leeching, laughing, sarcastic, and had leveled the playing field, you see the flower of your true passion come true. The sign on top of the 5th House telling this story. This time to something less than what you really want to pay!

You deal with your anger by it to the surface of the dirt that you havespread in the neglected characters of your obsession. YES, stained. You did it! What planet rules the fifth house? This is your first love! It 'also your greatest suffering. Get Well, not short-sighted and say that the same character is all there is, your love. NO! The design of the sign! Where is the planet of the chart rules the 5th Found in your house? What kind of quality they embody the planet?

Sexual attractiveness born in this houseamong other artistic talent. So how do you gifts to this channel is directly connected to the first house. (In other words, it is necessary to combine the two characters, a clear image of himself, who, what, when, why you need, where and how your individual make-up to integrate the expression.} wealth, talent, love, sex unions, companies, such as those on the flowering rose bush on its own, so that you and your ability to materialize, but certainly not to hold too narrow, watch carefully.aggressive or too greedy to worry / anxiety / forgiving others getting / enjoying what you do not seem to be able to!

You learn to let go of the ideas are not profitable in this box. You will learn how to prevent sneak Iness that develops further. This is especially true if the realm of healing the body and the accent always (really) good. (Mind, Body, personality, and each has the anger / guilt / remorse from previous relationships.} Of healing and Elimination of waste products from other romantic adventures you like to release (available from situations beyond your control), the throne must so far have failed to heal a wound. Some unions end without explanation and you flow with idealized notions and go into the world without knowing how or where or when, or if they will return. This house is about freedom, not for you, but you. They are the guardians of life.

This is the> House, where the money comes face to face how you really feel. What problems do you have? How did you find her? I'm obsessed or worried about his visit and for how long with you? Did you go and have his job? The remaining issues with the money you will have many experiences in his childhood, the taste of the sign on the cusp of the fifth. But I'll be mere experience, that the money actually learn a lotSometimes if you start any bad feelings (or cult exaggerated) that moves the way it is so capricious.

I'm (willing) to cure your obsession with house money on the ruling planet. What people (planet) is known to represent your idolatry of money? They were and are an infinite free-flowing writing given by him, if given, and continue. (To do without a thought, that!) You're the only person that the energy of money from the blockCome to a growing jealousy, bitter, angry or greedy property of someone else. If you try to send manipulate the situation in your favor, or meditating on the good fortune of others, rather than a rain of blessing the people in mind and heart, you are very emotional distress and the spirit of poverty that are suffering because of it. This is worse than bad. No matter how much money you get, you can never be happy with where there is less awareness of a spirit of poverty. It isdoubt the most miserable of States will be subjected.

Relationship and money amounting to transmit the same amount of energy. To stifle or you are free to flow? Check for signs of planets, / placement in the 5th house of birth chart for validation. working on it.

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