Ravenclaw House

The House of Ravenclaw is one of the four houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Like the other three houses, has features that distinguish it from others. Students are assigned to home only if they meet the criteria of the founder. Ravenclaw must be very intelligent and willing to put out effort to learn.

It 's strange to think that the hat not to mention part of Hermione Granger in the House ofRavenclaw, because Hermione is without doubt one of the most talented students of the school. Maybe the hat is clear that his other features, such as courage, loyalty and ongoing commitment to a good person, but would fit perfectly in the House of Gryffindor. It 's probably a good thing that was the end with Ron and Harry in Gryffindor, because these three play an important role in the defeat of the Dark Lords have to play, and it's good, found one another in their earlySchool career.

Founded by Rowena Ravenclaw (a lady of Glen, known for their intelligence, creativity and his boss), this is the house that learning encourages students to be well defined, and have great intellect and ability. In other words, this is the home for the "nerd". His bronze coat of arms in blue shows a 'golden eagle, against a field of blue.

This home is located in the "Ravenclaw Tower, has its commonThe rooms in the western part of the castle of Hogwarts. In large events and competitions between the houses, like the Quidditch match, Ravenclaw students dressed in blue. The Ghost House is the Grey Lady, a woman of great intellect, which was not found true love.

The head of house is Professor Filius Flitwick, voice known for its low height and shrill. These Charms teacher is respected by the students of these teachers, despite of its kind, isknow, sometimes that is very sensitive. This is mainly because of the way in which he left alone with his students. Among the most important people in the house during Harry Potter at Hogwarts possession are Filius Flitwick, Luna Lovegood, Penelope Clearwater, Padma Patil, Roger Davis, Terry Boot, Lisa Turpin and Anthony Goldstein. Among these students of Ravenclaw house, the main attractions is a Cho Chang, the interest continues to be the love of Harrynear the end of the fifth year. Another notable character is Luna Lovegood. Although sometimes funny, because you always look dreamy and unusual points of view, Harry finds it to be nice, and be a part of his circle of friends.


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