Interview with Comic Book Professional Barry Kitson

That Batgirl, Legion, Superman, Batman, Azrael, JLA, Barry Allen and Hal Jordan, Titans, Avengers / Thunderbolts and poor have in common?

Extraordinary artist, Barry Kitson, that's what. Barry has them all in pencil. Now, an exclusive contract with DC, the next ACC: Strange Adventures (formerly known as Lord Dynamo) and has recently announced the Legion of Super-Heroes many years of working with Mark Waid, Barry raise in a very busy year!

However, hegraciously took time to meet with paperback reader as he was, recent projects and the rest began to chat ...

Paperback Reader: What do you do with comics? It was something you always wanted to do or was just a pit stop on the way to be something else?

Barry Kitson: No, it was literally all I ever wanted out, as I am about 6 years. Someone showed me some American comics when I was your age, and basically everything I wanted from then on, wasdrawing comics. I had a couple of years in my youth when I wanted to be a rock star, but it did not work.

PBR: Your first job was for Marvel UK, how did you manage this country?

BK: It 'was actually just in the right place at the right time. I was until a few samples Marvel, and they told me in essence, they all loved, but she wanted to publish something before you give me would be out of work. I said something published, if nobody gives me nojob until I posted something? This was only the accepted practice at that time, I think.

PBR: And it's more or less the same time, is not it?

BK: Yes, but what they said was that they gave me a script that would work just so I could show them what I could do, but have never really me. When I called to find out what was happening, he told the manager that I saw there was more and better to come down and see the new type.

PBR: You had to go back and do soall this again?

BK: Well, I went back down and luckily I was there the first time someone was leaving, and I would go about this and there learned all know, during the evening, so when I went in this time, all he wanted: "Hello, Barry, nice to see you, "and the new editor, that there had been any, thought, 'Oh well all those who know him, I had more work," he told them. looking for someone to Spider-man band , which recallsto do for a couple of weeks ago gave me a script and asked me to go away, you drag a page and bring it back the next day, so I did. He loved me and gave me the job.

PBR: It was the British weekly Spider-Man?

BK: Yes, for four weeks, has published a story that originated in Great Britain by Mike Collins. He has written every four weeks and two. I pulled the other two, and Mark Farmer dyed all four. After that, I pretty much worked at Marvel for maybe a year or so. I Transformers, a stripThieves space called as back-up in Captain Britain, basically nothing. Really, I was just very, very happy that there are things that I learned the trade.

PBR: As you say, it was the right place at the right time. It has worked in 2000A.D. [A science fiction based on British weekly comics] Grant Morrison and the screenplay?

BK: Well Grant has written the first script for her, which was one of the "future shocks" have, then at the end I worked with Alan GrantJudge Dredd and then Anderson.

PBR: So many big names before they are actually in the U.S.?

BK: Yes, I mean, when they were at the beginning. I think part of the work first as a good Grant, and John Wagner and Alan had been, I think, just for his run on Detective Comics to begin.

PBR: Grant Morrison has a reputation for being very innovative and "think outside the box" in its history. It was even then?

BK: It 'a lotdifficult for me to say, really. I did not meet him at the time.

PBR: So they were just working on a script?

BK: No. It was kind of a community of artists and writers in London, but it was. Most of the rest of the people in the UK outside of London, not actually hitting each other a lot in those days.

PBR: It was long after you landed your first job in DC United States?

BK: I've probably worked 2000A.D. for about a year. Then - and this wasAlan really - DC were looking for someone to pull at this time detective and Batgirl Alan has written, he suggested my name Denny O'Neil, the preparation of the book, and he called me one evening and asked me if I 'd be interested Batgirl doing and I said' Yes'. I was very excited and put the receiver and then realized that I had not asked what they wanted to pay me! But that was like a dream come true for me and has worked for a U.S. company comic book was what I alwaysI wanted to do.

PBR: This was the Batgirl Special, published shortly before the Killing Joke?. Did you know that when was the last true story Batgirl?

BK: Not specifically. I knew something was going to happen to the character, and so did this DC, but she would tell me what it was.

PBR: And then?

BK: I have a Legion of Super-Heroes Annual Action Comics Catwoman strips and, when it became weekly, then to twowhere I had the opportunity to choose between doing the mini Catwoman wanted to do and I have always been a fan of LEGION Legion and science fiction was substance, so I went that way.

PBR: And you stayed there for about five years?

BK: I had a break of six months when I went and did some wild things and some problem Wolverine over at Marvel, then I went and did something more LEGION I think it's been two years, then a pause, then two and half years.

PBR: Onthen run at least, he is credited as co-plotter and pencils. This is a natural progression for you?

BK: I guess you could say it was. When Alan decided to go, he suggested that I write, it was him. I have a problem, but I really losing a lot of things together on the side, so I was co-conspiracy and Mark Waid coming on board. It 'was when we met and we were happy with each other since then.

PBR: Do you have a readyNumber of projects together ever since.

BK: We have. We have a good working relationship where we make a push and shove each other in both directions, leaves me with the story and I show him the work I do. If I am planning a scene and he thinks that I do not handling all the best, he calls me and let me know, I wonder if there is a chance that I can do. I like it, is half the fun, really.

PBR: And after the second stintLEGION came Adventures of Superman?

BK: It 'true, I went to The Adventures of Superman and I did after LEGION Shadow of the Bat as well.

PBR: Again with Alan Grant.

BK: Yes, and Azrael was kind of waiting in the wings to do at some point. I do not really know why, because it looks just like that happens, but everything seemed very planned and knew what was going on.

PBR: And you took the regular series ofAzrael, and remained for a while 'with Denny O'Neil as a writer?

BK: I stayed in Azrael for two years, even writing with Denny and Archie Goodwin as a publisher, who was a real joy.

PBR: Both are truly legends in the industry. It was easy to work with them?

BK: Working with Denny was a little 'different for me, because Denny is not like a lot along with the artist. He loves to write simple, and this played its part, so it was a greatto change what I was used. And working for Archie was one of the best things that could happen to anyone in the business.

PBR: I was Azrael for two years and was JLA: Year One by one?

BK: A lot ', but even then Mark and I were talking to Empire. We kind of approached Wildstorm, and were eager to do so. DC basically asked us what we would have brought with them instead of making them and to maintain this, and we have proposed "JLA: YearOne '.

PBR: I think it was a dream project, really, because in reality all major DC characters.

BK: Absolutely. It was the fulfillment of infantile wishes., Really, for me. In addition, we have learned to draw all the others - Doom Patrol, and all the other characters that I always wanted to draw.

PBR: It 'was very much a partnership between you and Mark Waid. Brian Augustyn was not on that as well?

BK: Yes, it was kind of working more with Mark and then I would do itThe two of them.

PBR: That must have been pretty good, because not long after The Brave and the Bold was announced, a mini-series tells the relationship between Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) and Barry Allen (Flash).

BK: Yes, it's true. It was kind of a case of "what do you do now?"

PBR: Really wanted to keep the two of you, right?

BK: I think so. DC has always treated me very well already.

PBR: I was watching The Braveand fat, and a lot of how the books were developed, it is much more than a homage to the old Silver Age comics.

BK: That's what we're trying to do is, really. We tried to tell the story of Hal and Barry friendship, and their way to stylize the real comics at the time was set, so # 4 is that Neal was very Adams-ish-a

PBR: - green arrow with him?

BK: Yes, it's true. Grind Tom Berg moved, and I only did one, as the colorHe has a kind of style of Neal Adams, I have not.

PBR: And I think that it was not long after that happened and poor gorilla comics?

BK: Yes, I think it was.

PBR: Tell me something gorillas. How could this happen?

BK: The idea was that many of us get together, and some comics and some have said creative and see what we could do - try something interesting. The unfortunate side of it was that the business side of things is notAt work, we went ahead with the support and funding "that you need to print to pay for itself", which certainly could not afford. It 'was tough. I admire Kurt [Busiek], Stuart [Immonen], Karl [Kesel] and Tom [later], because they went through, but they are very pragmatic. If we were to sell as many as we were sold to Empire and we were not making money, it seemed sort of pointless - as it digs a hole, but he maintains.

PBR: Sure. And it was easyTwo editions of the Empire, was released?

BK: Yes, two questions. We had hoped it would go ahead, but we must wait for what the economics were. Unfortunately, the economy, so that what his book a good selling point for a large company, with all the discounts they receive in typography, and a win would do for a big company simply for a small nonprofit. And he was still part of the difficulty, because we thought we had funding, we said we wanted the bestCharter, colors always wanted more time than anywhere else, we were 24 or 25 pages per issue, instead of paying 22 story ...

PBR: And I think that breaks down on advertising.

BK: Yes, it was to do business, and our way of creating pages of history or not, we used, as good paper, and we just decided that we would have preferred to wait until they could afford to do so, as Mark financed the entire operation - for the rest of us were on the bookmore than grateful!

PBR: Rather than putting out something that you are not completely satisfied?

BK: Absolutely. Fortunately, the CC said that she liked the book and were interested to pick it up, and that's what we went for.

PBR: It took a few years it has come to DC, though.

BK: The thing was, because of what happens with gorillas, there would have been taken on another job and it was a case of which we are able to sit down and do it. In many ways it was for theImprove the book, because it gives us a chance to talk through them. We have in recent years to speak, and we were throwing ideas in the story would change constantly.

DAB Empire is a book rather heavy, and of course September 11 between the gorilla and DC problems happen, did not affect the story?

BK: I do not think it was a deliberate action, although I'm sure probably influenced on a subconscious level 9-11 world view of all. If anything I thinkyou can put what we think of how bad the violence and power that they tried to say more clearly, but we can no longer hold because of it.

PBR: And you were very favorable reviews all over the world, really.

BK: Yes, it seems to be very well accepted by all.

PBR: And DC is satisfied?

BK: Yes, they seem to be.

PBR: quite happy to give you a second series?

BK: I hope so! Mark and I have plans for at least a hundred questionsEmpire.

PBR: What is plotting in advance!

BK: That's just talk about it, over the years. It 'a big screen ...

PBR: E '. As a reader, is one of the joys of the series that no one has ever sure, anything can happen.

BK: It 'been a part of the point. What we have tried to do with them all was, with all the prejudices, the reader may have of playing superhero comics, the characters will not die, will always wear the same clothes that are goodthe good and bad are the bad guys. The idea was that it's funny, because people do not know what happens next, even if they think they might have thought.

PBR: a step back, empire ran DC before you were working on the Titans. At the moment, I think the book was a sort of a death, critical to some extent, the plot were not taken particularly well running almost immediately. If you are working on a book that is not a great successwith the fans, interested in your enthusiasm for your work?

BK: Well, that was the Titans, what kind of pear-shaped from the beginning. I was asked if I was writing and wanted to draw, so the idea that I could kind of try to bring everything to the right, but when it actually came on board, the editor and writer, has patched things for me how come the artists. Then I discovered that writers, Jay Faerber, was not writing the kind of stories he wanted to write really, but until then I was on the book,and I sympathize with him and we both kind of book you could not control, stuck as we had hoped. At a time when Jay decided he had enough and was boarded Tom Peyer, DC has had it all had to be revised in any case have. It has never been a book that I really wanted and I never had the chance, I wanted to do things to do. In hindsight, I might have started when I discovered that it would be given the opportunity to changeThings as I had hoped, but also the editor of Andy Helfer was a friend and do not want anyone in trouble. It was the happiest time because I love the Titans a lot, as a sign and as I looked forward to drawing, and never really able to do with them what I liked, was not large. It 'just one of those things, I think. I hope to take some lessons from what has happened!

PBR: Okay, just leads up to today, has signed an exclusive three years with DC at the beginning of thisYear?

BK: Yes, it's true. It 'came when I worked so well for Marvel, on Avengers / Thunderbolts.

PBR: How many arguments have to end?

BK: I have a question, the distribution of the number two pencil and ink, and all the covers. Times of the two companies wanted to just kind of went crazy, I would never want to leave a project, not before I'm done, but it was physically possible to do all the work of Marvel and DC in methe time available to give and something did. DC had some things they wanted me to do long term and they gave me an offer I could not refuse. The troubled about what to do for a long time, but in reality there was only one choice to make. I mean how was the understanding of the Marvel editorial (Tom Brevoort and Any Smith), I really appreciated and I really hope a chance to do it, until one day! At least I have to draw on a topic. It 'was the first opportunity I hadWorking with Kurt [Busiek] by the gorilla, and I Fabian [Nicieza] and to come together. It 'a shame, but it could easily be avoided. Ironically, after Tom, another artist gorillas completed. Adventures of Superman, I took his place and took over from me.

PBR: swings and roundabouts.

BK: Exactly.

PBR: And what kind of things DC has to offer?

BK: Well, one of them was the JSA book, I'm working on right now, Mr. Dynamo, which is almost 200 pageslong.

PBR: And what format is coming out in?

BK: I think, six clock thirty pages of books.

PBR: And in the second world war?

BK: Yes, yes, it's like a kind of JLA: Year One thing new to me, but this time comes to draw all the original characters.

PBR: Still a bit 'of a dream project.

BK: Yes, it's great, I have a lot of fun. It 'really the first kind of period piece, which I did, so what is my chance to use a lot of references and reallystuck in the old architecture and engineering company and things.

PBR: And are you writing this series?

BK: No, it's written by Kevin J. Anderson. He is a distinguished science fiction writer with several bestsellers to his name

PBR: Okay. What you need, who has power? I read an interview with Mark Waid, which may be different for the two of you being given?

BK: Yes, Mark and I will definitely be a little 'later. J

PBR: I knowthat there are always rumors about the various boards of both the Legion and Legion of Super-Heroes?

BK: ...

PBR: I take it as you can neither confirm nor deny this?

BK: I realize that there are rumors, but do not comment on that. The bottom line is, if Mark and I did not do anything else, let's Empire.

PBR: Fair enough. Is there anyone in the industry that you do not agree with, you want to work?

BK: Oh yeah,Loads, the list could go on almost indefinitely. I am careful not to even begin to list the people with the fear of forgetting someone!

PBR: I know that Geoff Johns is doing a great job in DC at the time.

BK: He is, and I worked with Geoff on the issue in Doctor Doom JSA All-Stars. I think that was basically why I got the book I am now offered. Geoff and I wanted to work together for a long, long time and we hope to be back in a not too distant future. We both enjoyedExperience .... J I think!

PBR: Okay, good. Turning to comics in general, what is your opinion on the state of the industry right now? It seems a slight furrow up to get new readers to go beyond.

BK: I do not know if this is indeed the case, DC told me climb, that its turnover by 13% last year, which is quite healthy. Some people I know have their own comic book stores told me that it is actually new. Now is perhaps a half dozen booksTurnover of more than 100 thousand, while there were only a few years. I think that tends to cycles of almost seven years to go, there are ups and downs. Sometimes the tips are always more than others. There seems to be on an upward trend at the moment. I think things were a little 'more together now, a few years ago was running seems a bit' gloomy, but I think people now have some kind of rationalization. It seems to me more opportunities than with stories and genres and there's got a fineDepth of talent in the field.

PBR: And the British market?

BK: I'm ashamed to say that I'm not very up to date on the UK market at all. I used to get a couple of things when I was younger, like a magazine that reprinted in Tales of Asgard, Jack Kirby stuff, but I'm a die-hard fans superhero through and through. 2000AD first British comics I bought were for the most reprinted titles like Fantastic and Terrific that Marvel Comics. I look at and buy Don Lorenzo Trigon LearningEmpire ... although I'm sure my parents thought I was reading all the bits intellectual!

PBR: I see. So they are not tempted to focus on something a bit 'of vertigo-esque, while working for DC?

BK: I would really like. Mike Carey and I have my Lucifer maybe something at some point, if we have the opportunity to speak, because I like to work with someone that if ever the occasion or not, I do not know. I want to do some things, but I think it would eversuch as holidays and I always come back to superheroes and science fiction.

PBR: Sure. What advice can you give to aspiring artists tried to break?

BK: Basically, only works out, keep the drawing and try to copy not only of comics. There is nothing wrong with just about, but if not from life, how to draw well, as they are from the border, where you can go. You can create a perfect mimicry of another comic book artist, but unless you draw from life as it is not possible, that the style has becomeelsewhere. There are many, many people start by copying other artists, but those who pass from this and develop their own style, and those who do, do it to tilt in real life. The other thing is really, what people say, when to show them, to listen to comments and things.

PBR: And actually take the criticism on board.

BK: Yeah Come on people, and you say, "Well, you have to do this", and I want to discuss with youcriticism of them - if you're not ready, some criticism of your work can be heard, should not really be what the people there! Criticism can only do better and to facilitate the analysis, you need to do to improve what you have. Another thing is when you start to do, and if you work is offered, do not always think about you. It will give you the opportunity to learn your craft. I feel a certain sympathy for people who are in the comics these days and soon promoted toas the "next big thing ', perhaps sooner than ready for this. Often dismissed before the opportunity to grow and develop their own style because they have been forced to take to get the spotlight too soon, and this is really a shame.'re just trying to take better, improving all the time - there's nothing more disappointing to see someone trying, and you can tell his heart is not in him learning your trade and you especially because you like ...

PBR: And 'theimportant do you think?

BK: Probably. Some people see, start out as a job, and lose sight of why they like it, and perhaps this is only natural, but if that simply means that you have to step back. It is not a job, it's a dream come true, at least for me.

PBR: And what is the job for you?

BK: I'm starting to maybe 7:30 or 8.00 clock and work through until 8:00.

PBR: And this is 5 days a week?

BK: (Laughs) No, seven! It's not that I likeWork with firmness, I take breaks, take the dog for a walk, something like that.

PBR: Okay, any questions for you burst, Jay, Barry and Wally?

BK: Hmmm ... Barry.

PBR: Alan, Hal or Kyle?

BK: Hal.

PBR: I'm starting to see a pattern here. Dick, Jason or Tim?

BK: Dick.

PBR: Those who grew up with, is not it?

BK: Exactly.

PBR: Birthright and Man of Steel?

BK: Birthright.

PBR: Garfield and Snoopy?

BK: Snoopy.

PBR: Goodto answer. I think a lot of people say, Garfield.

BK: only those who try to be nice to have. Snoopy across the street.

PBR: What's the last movie you saw?

BK: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen on DVD last weekend.

PBR: Me too. There was a lot of negative reviews, but I liked it. Not great, but it was a fun movie.

BK: Exactly. I think if you get a comic book movie and you go and you're too precious and fussy, then you will be disappointed. If you gowith an open mind and do not expect a masterpiece, you're fine.

PBR: Okay, favorite movie of all time?

BK: I do not think I really changed a popular movie of all time, yes. I'm tempted to say the "Thin Man" movies, but it varies from day to day. I'm really JSA 1940 film project when he said - almost all the film noir titles may have been called for the question! Not really "All Time Favorites" believe in anythingreally!

PBR: What comics do you read now?

BK: All things to ABC by Alan Moore, Birthright Wanted Lucifer, Hellblazer, Fables, Planetary, Arrowsmith, The Ultimates, 100 Bullets - Brian I would like to work at some point, especially since we share a lot of the same musical tastes. I tend to put things aside and read between the lines, I just read the last ACC run the other day, including Black Reign, which was good. If I do not like something, I will limit myself to himdown. Apart from the stuff I get I also get comp'd Supreme Power, Fantastic Four, Ultimate FF, MK4 - although I have not read - and Hellboy, when it comes out.

PBR: Barry, this was great!

BK: Thanks, I really enjoyed it.

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