Spotting Themes in a natal chart - the rule of three

An old rule says that to be true for an astrological interpretation, you should be able to see it expressed three ways in the table. If you see it once, it is only an option when you see it twice, it becomes increasingly likely, but if you can see the same theme for the third time, that interpretation is likely. These repeated and graphic-related features are often of great themes of a person's life.

What makes a problem? In the analysis of a chart, you should look for signs andHome placements and aspects that are similar in nature to each other. A starting point is the astrological alphabet made ​​popular by Dr. Zipporah Dobyns, the ram, instead of Mars, and the first house to be equivalent, Taurus, Venus, and the second half as the home, and so on.

Then search for repetitions in the table. A concentration of planets plus the Sun and Pisces Moon 12 ° into the house and several aspects to Neptune, a very Neptune. TheTopics of Neptune, Pisces and the 12 so it would be a strong impetus in this individual's life, is primarily expressed in a positive way (for example, spiritual study, creativity and service) or as the most problematic addiction, recovery, self- deception or illusion. To cope with such a concentration of life of individuals may be strongly influenced by the evidence, the problems with this sign and drive, the house and planets combined.

Another person mighthave cancer rising, moon in the middle of a grand trine, and the sun, Mercury and Venus in the fourth house -. questions Lunar home, security, family, mother, care and food - which we highly recommend the person and a major focus efforts. However, such a person does not necessarily address these issues in a way typical of cancer, for the characters and aspects of the moon are important modifiers of the pattern. Even if the sun and other planets are4, the individual attaches great importance to private and family life, but perhaps not so moody and emotional as the typical cancer, depending on the sign of the sun and elements. A person with a stellium in the air in the quarter may not particularly emotional, but would still tend to be deeply invested in the house.

One possible interpretation of someone with Mercury on the Midheaven is possible that a brother or a sister operation in a parental role, like Mercury, Gemini and the third house, orOften shows the role of siblings. Suppose also observe that Saturn is an indicator of parental authority, in house 3 ° - a repetition of the brothers / liaison office. Then he discovers that the moon, which describes the mother of Mercury in the sign of twins ruled. This is another indication that a brother may have taken a substantial part of parental functions. Then they are safe enough to venture that the interpretation - and smiles modestly when coughing customer"How the hell did you know?" (A second level of interpretation of these same positions, as Mercury would be the Midheaven, focus on career. We can assume that this person is very much a communicator and a career in a field related to pursue.)

Astrology students often worry about a particular aspect of a diagram, but do not worry unless this factor is confirmed in other ways become. So many people have no planets in water signs born swornare not particularly emotional. However, some of them have Neptune on the Ascendant the Moon and Pluto combined, these people are, on the contrary, very emotional. The challenge is instead to the emotions under control.

Other people make the most of their function graph that is shared by most people born in the same period. For example, nearly one in early winter since 1940, created Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto retrograde all. Thisborn profoundly significant astrological event in psychology and sociology of the generation of the planet at this time. However, if people think that a single retrograde planet in this collection (for example, a Saturn retrograde), for his life alone instead takes on the challenges together through their generation is concerned, is to influence the customization of a generational change .

Others rejoice prematurely to some aspect of their plot, without compensation, taking into accountAspects or training home. For example, people could with Jupiter on the Midheaven to the conclusion that they enjoy much luck and success in his career as a fairy tale. Before you sit and wait for luck to find them, but at best a look at the aspects of Jupiter, Saturn, planets, and each house 10. Early in my career, I taught astrology as a volunteer in a treatment center of alcohol in a slum, and I was sober that some of these patients livedthe streets for years on the Midheaven Jupiter.

To give an example of how to accept the rule of three works, a customer had Neptune and Saturn in conjunction in house 4, the conditions of family life and often shows in their family of origin. I could speculate that there is some mystery, suffering, and perhaps a loss in the family of origin, but I would look over to see what could be. Suppose then that I noticed that the moon was in Pisces in the house 8. The Suspicion of a painful loss with the mother and the family of origin would be stronger. When the moon was also a difficult T-Square, which more or less the clinch. I would ask for the early loss of a female authority - maybe even go out on a limb and ask if the customer has been accepted as natal or transiting Neptune aspects in the 4 th or 10 have shown countless times in my practice, if adopted.

Seeing a difficult position in the table - such as 8 -> House Pisces Moon, for example - will be closed automatically, that the mother will die? All mothers die in the end, but when and how to die, are not carved in stone. You would never get a solid estimate, particularly as a negative tone on a single aspect of a chart in transit whether or Natal. Insert to repetitive patterns of paper and mitigating forces, such as supportive aspects natally or in transit. You must also ask questions about how the placement has worked,person's life, especially in major transits past that point, and what the native has, in the course of life, how to express the highest potential of this position learned. In the case of a transit point, you must have a clear idea of ​​seeking the status of birth of the planet is currently in question and also for all other transit in the table for compensation factors. If you are still concerned about a birth or in transit patterns in the chart, please consult aexpert professional astrologer with a balanced approach. Find the one that can give realistic incidents of a particular position, but also help in the direction of his positive statements on the job.

© 2005 by Donna Cunningham

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