What happens when a husband has criticized stone walls and a woman

Whenever Faye tries to talk to her husband Ed are problems in the marriage, he refused to talk about the issues. Or changed the subject or said. "Not now, Faye"

When cornered, And Faye would look with a facial expression unchanging as he spoke, and then went away without saying anything. He refused, with everything he suggested, collaborate to improve their communication.

And attempts to obstruct and impede its efforts to set or Fayeavoid conversations you do not want to have examples of the behavior of "support" of which to participate. Someone who used to slow down the stone walls of tactical delay or inhibit anyone else's efforts and projects.

Faye has been consistently shown to be And every time they tried to eliminate the difficulties frustrated marriage. Why have repeatedly hit the wall of his strength, he was critical of Ed, both in private and in public.

She said it was selfish, egocentric anduncooperative. After a while, 'it hard to remember the positive aspects and focus more on his negative qualities. The more he felt blocked in their efforts to try to improve his marriage involved, the criticism she threw his way.

Consequently, marriage has not been effective and satisfactory to both Faye and Ed, and he lost the feeling of connection. The relationship continues to spiral downward, driven by negativity and resentment. FayeFinally moved and is now divorced.

Author Malcolm Gladwell writes in his bestselling book Blink psychologist John Gottman's research on marriage relationships. Gladwell cites Gottman words: "The big difference between the sexes with negative emotions is that women are more critical, and men are more likely to stonewall, we find that women start talking about a problem that men harass and turn their backs, and. Women More critical, and will be aCircle. "

Therefore, it is important to understand the cycle of delays and criticism, what keeps the negativity in the relationship. And 'natural to experience frustration when every effort is made to do something useful is locked, but the natural reaction to become critical this makes the situation even worse.

The other spouse is already resistant and uncooperative, and accumulated a wealth of criticism on the head does not help. It will probably just dig your heels in depthand with even more power to deny any attempt to make him do what he wants.

Wives often do not realize the damage they can do an excess of criticism, a relationship. They see themselves as the man trying for his own good and health of the wedding pro - worthy goals, but those who do not run in a critical way. The criticism is not considered a spouse, discouraged, and negative toward marriage.

The men, often on the contrary,not aware of what they are doing damage to marriage from attempts to maintain a wife in order to improve the relationship. Hitting the resistance again and again is disheartening and frustrating. Fosters resentment, anger and bitterness, three emotions, which can be toxic, a relationship can be.

Delaying tactics are designed to make the other person again and end their investigation. But the woman can decide not only from the rear of the proposed improvements to marriage, so it can decideback emotionally from the marriage. This makes it much more likely to begin to feel isolated and disconnected from their spouse and marriage.

Here are seven recommendations for you here:

First, if your spouse always attempts to open the walls, to give him a handwritten letter outlining your concerns and fears, which will finally give up the marriage, if the continues. State that the value of marriage and want it to be the highest quality andSatisfaction for both, but you need his help and input.

2 Resist the natural reaction to criticism in return. A quote from Elizabeth Harrison reminds us that "those who are lifting the world upward and forward, which encourage them to criticize."

Dampen the spirits of criticism and recommends future efforts. Notice how it reduces your mind when you are criticized and flower, if you tend to be offered encouragement and praise. We look forward to a lot of timewith people who are grateful for our efforts, and tend to those who are critical of us avoid.

Retreat to the third criticism, but try your qualities and their spouses and affirmative action. Show appreciation for what he does is good and useful. Be careful and pay attention to behavior that is commendable and honest with all my heart, no matter how small they appear.

If problems develop in a marriage, which often disappear quickly the fun and laughter, and with them goesfeeling of satisfaction connection. The work on restoring a sense of fun and appreciation of each other and not dwell on the problem areas now. There are more than one way to achieve a goal, and in some situations, the indirect approach leads to greater success than the direct approach.

4 Once the emotional climate in your relationship has improved, and you start your business or integrated into the bank account report, then you are in a better position, gently and respectfully ask him tohis help in finding ways to help keep that feeling is more loving time.

5 If all else fails, you can ask him if you do a favor and go to counseling with you, so you can share with others what he had observed your behavior. In this way the therapist to get to know better how to help you be less critical.

Do not mention his behavior worthy of support or the fact that it needs to change. Keep the focus on yourself and how you want to change. This tactic couldyou can use in counseling center, where the possibility of an increase that has been involved in the consultation process indirectly.

If you have a spouse, sixth, and the delaying tactics that have recognized in this article, it is time to examine exactly how this behavior endangers their marriage.

It 'also time to look closely at your goals for the present and future relationship. You want a love that should be satisfiedYour spouse for the next year? And your behavior is helping you achieve your goals?

7 If you decide to change your behavior, a minimum of time to make progress with the help of a marriage counselor. The consultant will be in a better position to assist his wife in less and less critical.

Spouses often seem to "feel" better in a consultant in the office, and it helps, objective feedback from a neutral third party. After all, why struggle aloneif a trained professional can have the experience to guide you through the necessary structural changes to drive? It simply makes sense to use all available resources, especially when something as important as marriage is concerned.

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