The new Dazzle TV transmission technology, consumer Mystify

In the old days, "frequency modulation" television signals went huge antennas, transmit images and sounds in black and white on large antennas on other people's homes where they can see together for almost reverently, "The Ed Sullivan Show" and other broadcasts Weekly live. Almost 50 years later, a simple search for references to "technology to broadcast" the end is no easy answer. To understand how words and images broadcastfrom our coffers and our screens, we now have advanced courses in electrical and computer engineering instead. Learning all the buttons on the remote control requires a full day seminar with fat binders and lavishly illustrated PowerPoint presentations. The most troubling of the disc, except for a new television show of new technologies and improved and receiver screens in the large box, we have problems with well-informed decisions about our conversationInvestments.

Difficult choices between services

In most cities, consumers have to choose between the satellite and broadband "service providers." In other words, consumers have to choose, or toss a coin between the technologies that television is the transmission of digital signals over fiber optic or transmissions from space. How do you "Flash Gordon" Our displays in black and white eight-inch, we have seen could easily imagine alien invasions, but we neverWall presented the pictures and surround sound sent from space, we had never heard of "Sputnik". Given our barbarian origins, how can we decide between cable and satellite?

TV broadcast between the two technologies, develop a classic stalemate. Satellite always a price advantage, but cable has the advantage of functionality and reliability. Both broadcast TV technologies allow us to "package" of our services, so as to reach the telephone, television,Internet and signals from a common source, and have even entered the homes of our signals, we can wirelessly to any room. Many smart consumers recognize the innovators in the technology of television, more and more afraid of them focus on delivering content via the World Wide Web, telephone and television service, make all their advertising and communications on their computers. The decision to reduce services to make a lot more than two-thirds of economic terms,still poses the question of which of the two technologies to broadcast to show good will in the long haul.

What about TV on the Internet "convergence"?

Given the stalemate between TV technologies, such as a supplier of good intentions and generous work of a new 3D HDTV or choose a new computer monitor with a monster? They just want the best for their family, and know that they are about $ 1000 for the "best" who spends allhardware you choose, as well as our generous suppliers make their decisions? Danielle Cox, an analyst at Media Partners Patterson Forbes offers little consolation: "The fact is that there is simply too early to choose and buy," he says. "Until we know what platform and delivery system work better for the convergence of television and the Internet, you just have to settle for what you have." Cox adds: "In a year, you know."

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