The houses of astrology - The 11 th House

Plan for the future, if you do not, then who? How many times have you heard this statement? This house always brings the question of fate versus free will, we are bound, or we have free will? We're all 'destiny' in one way or another, but also free will (which carry only a few people). Look at it this way, a person who has more than 6 meters is not a good rider - well, someone who was just over 5 feet in height would not be a good basketball player. Of course, bothcould be groped, but it would be like "destiny" feel to fail, if the competition held by the most appropriate to defeat you. Let me explain? When the sun comes home every year about our long-term future will be in focus for them, the house is a long-term planning and the home of your dreams and desires. If you consider to be granted for the good wishes, to be exact. This house also gives us a sense of Aries will ask: "WhoI am "Toro will ask:" What is my value "Gemini ask:" How can I learn to "think cancer is:" Where I Belong "Leo asks:" What is my role, "Virgo asks," How can I watch "The balance is to think:" How can I improve, "Scorpio is the question:" What can I change "Sagittarius ask:" How can I go out "Capricorn must ask the question:" What is my role in society "Aquarius is ask: "What can I do" and the fish pose the question: "Is it reallypossible. "

The sign on the cusp of 11 ° to give clues as to what you can expect in the future. Planets in the 11 th inclusive will tell you the kind of people you need in your life (like minded) to feel a sense of "belonging". The house provides about 11 stepchildren, foster children and adopted children (which is the fifth of seven). It also provides information on New Age interests such as astrology, numerology, tarot, etc. Each planet orAspects of 11 degrees can organ donation, transplants show, etc. Look at the entry to the threshold of 11 for signs of fire are usually full of enthusiasm, independence, excitement and anticipation. The earth signs are looking for stability, peace, security and financial security in the long term. The Air signs need a future of communication, inspiration, fun, friendship and curiosity satisfied. The water-drawing hope and pray that the future is to bring love and good thingsLife, emotional stability and harmony ...

The house of 11 ask you to focus your thoughts on the possibilities of the future, demands that every so often you update your plans for complacency leads to stagnation and frustration. He wants to be granted must be defined to see the house of all the planets and aspects in order to fulfill your wishes and dreams. Watch the ruler of this house and see where it is on paper andFind out more information to understand and use the house. Remember, it belongs to self-improvement area on the map. The house 11 shows the capacity for friendship, your attitude toward your friends and family and all non-emotional relationships! Strangely, it also informs the love from others. Another way to see this house to keep it for the second by 10 (Your career or profession), there areindications are received no money. Their humanitarian and social awareness of any interest in the whole world will be shown here, the house we found 11 and your interests in organizations like the Red Cross and other international groups of people. We all need to feel that "belong" and house 11 will tell you, especially in the 11 th planet in some cases, no matter how much we ourselves are often frustrated in the attempt '. "Remember this basic fact of life:" Youare part of the universe does not APART from him. "Just think, no matter what you, you, the human race" belong. "Tax fate is a concept that we need to understand all our hopes and dreams, our wishes for the future are constantly changed, adapted and revised by circumstances seemingly beyond our control (which affects a different part of the world to us than we know) ...

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