Collecting autographs - Albert Einstein, I can E = MC squared?

Perhaps the most famous equation is Albert Einstein's "E = mc2. Although most of us are, most have no idea what it really means. Relax now, quantum physics are not discussed here. However, we will explain, has sent many letters through the "Energy Committee of Atomic Scientists", which contain the facsimile signature of Einstein. Albert Einstein and a team of scientists and physicists has created incredibly talented theories, equations, and the technology that was the bomb.The controversy today in the media about the use of this weapon is not new. At the end of World War II, shared and used before, many experts grave concern about the power of nuclear energy in a bomb.

Many post-war letters were from the "Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists" to raise money, sent to educate the public about nuclear energy. The call was to increase to $ 1.000.000,00. The letter begins: "... With the release of nuclear energy, our generation has led tothe world the revolutionary force since prehistoric man's discovery of fire. This force of the universe can not be mounted in the old-fashioned concept of narrow nationalism ... "The letter of 22 January 1947 ends by making a donation to the cause. Each letter is signed by Albert Einstein. The signature was printed, not authentically signed. An identical signatures on the follow-up letter (my example comes from" May 20 1947 "), a supporter of you forcontributions and calls for further support.

The easiest way to detect this signature is not authentic, the "t", dotting the "i" of Einstein. The signature is printed in blue ink and has the properties of a uniform ink density.

One of my favorite examples is one of Einstein's controls. It comes with an interesting history, providing understanding of the process of human thought. The article was obtained in a telephone operator at the Center for Advanced StudiesPrinceton, where Einstein worked. One morning, he asked Einstein for his signature. "Dr. Einstein, I have an autograph for my nephew?" questioned. His answer surprised her. "I'll bring it tomorrow!" , He joked, as he ran in front of her. Take it? Why not just scribbling on a sheet of paper? The next day he left the check for them. The first example of the National Academy of Sciences is written. What makes a good chunk of association. Where is it now? The collectorthat belongs to me said, is the "black hole" of the collection of autographs he entered the world (ie, it takes forever). Very suitable for the signature of Einstein do not you think?

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