The introduction of Melissa More, The Voice of Arthur Muffy

What a race! Over the past 15 years, Melissa Alrto, a leading Canadian voice talent, has played Muffy Crosswire 4-Emmy-winning series Arthur. Melissa recently spoke with me on the phone in his career, what can be Muffy and her coaching services.

Oh, Me, Muffy! An interview with the voice of the Other Melissa

Stephanie: "Arthur" How did you get that audition for the TV show Muffy

More Melissa: InSeptember 1994, I received a call from my agent at the time of the hearing. It was my first time to try for the role of a cartoon character. I had read so much fun in the studio for a number of different roles in the series. When they say to me, I said the portion of Muffy got, I was so excited to get started.

Stephanie: How to Melissa's Muffy?

MA: I definitely was an outspoken and unpopular girl to play roles and take Muffy likes to do. I hope thatAt this point, it's like an adult, are a little 'less insistent about my opinions of Muffy! Ha!

Stephanie: You said that you grew up on the telephone voice recording of the show Muffy. Is there any particular memories that he had a child and voice actor, as the desire to communicate?

MA: It 'was always a pleasure to record in a studio in my childhood / adolescence, because I am I as a part of something very special has been seen (especially meto be loved by the school early to make a day of recording!). In particular, he had a blast recording the songs for the show and work with other actors. You are a talented group of people.

Stephanie: How often do you see the other members of Arthur to vote? One enters the show in the same studio together or you do not need to come to each one separately?

MA: All the original actors are alive in Montreal. So I have not seen in over 5 years. Sinceare few actors that I look at recording sessions here in Toronto, but we rarely ever really together in the cabin. Mainly we go for separate record (no more time and money more efficiently in this way).

Stephanie: Do you have a favorite episode of the series? If yes, what makes it so special for you?

MA: I actually called a kick out of the bet is visible only rock n 'roll with the Backstreet Boys. I was a teenager when we recorded it, and a largeBackstreet Boys fan (red), so I was very excited for the opportunity to sing on a track with them. Muffy is this idea that they are responsible for their dreams and sings on it. Pretty funny stuff!

Stephanie: When children lose cartoon stars as the voice of a character, often their roles, if they hit puberty or not to remain faithful to the character, in view of his voice has matured. Although this is especially true for boys, for example,Arthur's character are a number of times, even recast girls in the transition of their roles and soundalike with a new version. Bearing in mind that Arthur was running for over a decade, and I wonder how you ever managed to retain its role. Why do you think you are still able to voice Muffy, a third grader, in their twenties?

MA: I think the attitude and Muffy is always accessible to me because I have to stay in close contactwith the child inside me. The play, sing out loud, do funny voices, dress and say that in my head. That voice is like riding a bike. Every time when I'm in, I only know how it goes. It seems to me to go to Muffy automatically guilty! In addition, our voice director always had a very clear idea of ​​how they wanted to sound like the characters that have always back on track when he heard the voice of the character had disappeared or did not sound like it was the week before. That said, someThe days that are not heated properly, it can be difficult to obtain the key or when I forget to breathe through my lines, I feel a little 'out of breath.

Stephanie: How does it feel to have been the only voice of Muffy? He has the character as a family for you to be that way?

MA: Yes, definitely. I find them very attractive, although it can be tough and demanding. The good thing is that Muffy is always flawed round and grows in aResult and I think it's pretty cool.

Stephanie: The last year, have begun to teach in a formal setting, and now offer voice-over workshop in Toronto. What is your attention and what kind of student you are looking for?

MA: I fell Voice Studio Pro last year and I'm so great with what is already very satisfied. I teach workshops for actors in Toronto who want to know the world of animation voice recording. I'm also producing animated voiceDemonstrations to help promote the actors themselves and feel.

Stephanie: If there are words of encouragement, someone who has a career as a voice in your animation takes longer to communicate, what would they be?

BUT: Do not be discouraged by the competition. Stay focused on what you have to offer, although it is easy to try the same with the people around you are distracted. The training is very important, and the same promotion (from aDemo vocals). I think it's also important to know which character you play well, but at the same time do not limit yourself to try new things.

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