The magic of radio Old

There was a time not so long ago when the stories were just words, where the audience had to imagine the size and shape of the characters and places. Grandma used to tell stories to children and the children lived to see the story in their imagination. Radio programs had wiped out a great fascination for a mass audience through television, so that literally nothing to the imagination.
Keep between 1920 and 1960, people used to listen to the radio to keep track of current events at home and abroadand for entertainment purposes - the only difference today is that we have everything we see on TV. Radio programs early to give a chance for people to use their imagination to truly enjoy the various programs. The classic example "is You Bet Your Life with Groucho Marx, a radio program that has captured the imagination of a generation. It 'was a race, according to which, if the candidate is the right answer, made a duck fell from the ceiling would be. The prices includeall inclusive cash and donuts. People heard a sound charlatan helped them to understand that a candidate has made a fortune.

It 'was very interesting for a whole generation to listen to the radio program Fibber Magee and Molly for a longer period - 1935-53 The radio program could stimulate the real feeling of running gags. People could see in their imagination, what was expected in the play. The radio program, Abbott and Costello, Bud Abbott and Lou Costello has been a constantSource of entertainment for a generation.

People waited anxiously for their weekly radio program from their favorite entertainers - Burns and Allen, Danny Kaye, Jack Benny, Orson Wells, etc.

To destroy transmission Wells' of "The War of the Worlds," the story of a fictional story of aliens the human race. Music theme and detailed narration of the Martians swept whole towns were planned radio as attractive history of Halloween and anxiety. The radio program cancompared to the first, which will generate mass appeal. People were not listening to the radio program as something invented, but believed it was true story of events somewhere. After the success of War of the Worlds, another program was started by Amos and Andy radio network to another.

Radio program is heard no practice out of fashion, in fact, the revival shows in some areas. Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor flick on weekends. It has a largePublic support and a tribute to radio programs of the past, in all genres from comedy sketches, musical programs, dressed in the past.

There were also cases in which people pursue radio programs continue to explore the stories of television shows and movies. The classic examples are the BBC's highly successful science fiction Dr. Who and Star Wars are in America. Radio programs are presented in attractive ways. In fact, many developments have come in the way of radio programsmainly in the form of FM radio services. Music, entertainment, fun, fantasy, suspense, etc. for your ears and imagination, not for your eyes and your eyes only.

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