Poker is a sport?

Maybe they should call it Pokemon and make everyone happy.

However, this can result in false fur flying among the ladies.

Pokewoman Pokemanandwoman but it sounds good and is too long.

Well, you can meet some of the people sometimes, but not all people all the time.

Or something like that.

Right now I'm back to the starting point, still trying to figure out the right answer - Question has taken me to wonder - if there is abit 'of time:

Poker is a sport?

We already know that a game is, or thinks it is.

After years of listening to both sides of the case and always a taste of the resistance of these players have to do is, I was inclined to vote for.

Now I feel a new one:

Poker is gambling, or even a fun little game for children?

People find a lawyer to get something in those days and the people of Fox Sports Net snagged claim Lionel, Sawyer and Collins, one of Las Vegas "most prestigious law firms, their offers to do this goodie.

It is about the existence of the "Poker Dome", a Money Neonopolis renovated in the center - anchored by a fleet of cinemas, restaurants and shops - which to host weekly tournaments (or "contests" was designed) on FSN, the winners who qualify for competition Sin City online, pay $ 20,000.

Another million dollars was for a peak seasonWinner.

The costs for the construction of a new series - without expensive frills of the Costa Rican Bodog Nation to build a playboy Calvin Ayre, but with their other luxury features - in an abandoned theater will be in the neighborhood of another $ 1,000,000.

The plan is, for example, so that the participants are placed behind one-way glass in a soundproof room, to see the hands of the public without any effect on games.

Rick Kulis, president of Hollybrook Regency, Inc., ThePromotion and hopefully to lead the game, says that the plant is not expected first time for the tape 27 can be completed and temporary shelter have been deposited at the Tropicana until the end of May completion.

While "Poker Dome" would be a much needed dose of youth in the center, especially Neonopolis injected, is the real question, to show its ugly face:

It is the "Poker Dome" sanctions must license / Nevada Gaming Contol Board?

That's up toMike Wilson, who received the Silver Deputy State Attorney General to decide.

He is working on an opinion, there is no indication of when it is ready.

Government regulations require dealers to offer gaming services such as 200 hotel rooms, a bar, a restaurant and a casino with 24 hours of gameplay.

The "Poker Dome" may be impossible to meet these players and lawyers are negotiating with at least a compromise.

Lionel, Sawyer and Collins wouldbelieve that the "concept" of their game - the game that built this oasis in the desert - not to play.

"It 'just a competition," attorney Paul Larsen, a partner, said the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

"It 'very similar to Yu-Gi-Oh! Contests," he continued, which is competitive on a game of card games.

If you buy this logic, we sell a South Sea island, where you create your own paradise poker for only $ 24.

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