5 Top Tips For About the House

This article is about household items, moving things and moving house. In short the sorts of things that everyone has to do frequently in their adult lives.

Moving House: moving house is such a busy and exciting time. It is also a very stressful time, third only to the death of a loved one and divorce, so the experts say. This is a very nice tip because not only does it help you to help your fellow man for next to nothing but it reduces your own potential problems too. When you move out, leave behind a list of all the building contractors you have used, what they did for you and the expiry dates of any guarantees still outstanding. Leave also a list of reliable tradesmen such as milkman, taxis, decorators, window-cleaners. Ask the previous occupiers of your future house for a similar list too.

Leave The Lightest Till Last: when you are moving house, it is best to get someone in to do it for you. However, if you have to do it for yourself, always shift the heaviest stuff first.  The wardrobes, the tables, the bed etc. Not only will you get more in the van that way, but you will also know that your job will become easier as you become progressively more and more tired.

Made To Measure: when you want to go shopping for furniture, first make a sketch of the rooms you are buying for and mark in the dimensions. Then take a tape measure with you. If you have any unusual colours in that room, try to take a swatch of it with you, or a photo or the colour on paper. Things always look different in a large store than in your smaller house. They say never to buy a bed when you are tired either as any bed will seem comfortable then.

Turning The Tables: some times you need an extra dining table. For example when you give a children's birthday party. Card tables or square garden tables can double up for this purpose. Cover them with an almost floor-length table cloth and no one will ever know. This is so a handy tip for a newly-wed couple or people living in a small apartment, in fact anywhere where space is limited.

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall: a mirror can make a tremendous difference to a room. A bad or cheap one can spoil it even, but really good mirrors are extremely expensive. A good alternative is to make your own or rather, have your own assembled. Scour the junk shops and flea markets for an antique picture frame, discard the picture or hang elsewhere. Then take the frame to a glaziers and get him to cut a piece of mirrored glass to fit. The result is a great-looking mirror in a beautiful frame for a quarter of the cost and a free picture for the spare bedroom, top of the stairs or bathroom to boot.


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