List of Recreational Activities - Things to Do Outside of Your House

People Today have really busy lifestyles. When you actually do get a day off you should make it count. In this text I will compose for you a suggested list of recreational activities. Some you may like, some you may not like. I hope that it will help narrow down fun thing for you to enjoy.

A nice quiet day of fishing is always nice durring the Spring, Summer, and Fall. Some people do enjoy ice fishing in the Winter as well. That is far too cold for me though. Another enjoyable afternoon can be spent hiking. You may not even have to travel far to do this. Usually you can check on line for near by trails. If you find yourself enjoying the trails you may also want to try trail riding. It is a great workout for you legs. Believe it or not I really enjoy mall walking when the weather is not so nice.

My list of recreational activities is not all physical. I believe in recreation for the mind and soul as well. I enjoy going to rhythmic breathing classes. These classes help you to slow down in these fast paced days that we live in. There is soft music for meditation, and aromatherepy candles. I feel so relaxed after class. Shopping is always a great activity. I feel mentally uplifted when I get together with my friends and go to the mall hit the sales. After we go to the local coffee shop and enjoy a great cup of java as well as the company and chit-chat.

There is a great coffee spot right in the bookstore near my house. I love to unwind in a good book. Reading is definately on my list as well. There is something magical about books. I always find myself lost in the story. I can picture the charecters, scenery, if the author is good I sometimes feel like I'm there watching the story unfold.

I would have to say that my faveorite thing on my list of recreational activities would have to say a good old day at the movie theater. I try to go durring the matine hours. This will save you some money. Usually matine movie tickets are at least $3.00 cheaper. When I have a tighter budget I close all the blinds in my house, pop pocorn, put a movie in and walla a movie theater in my home. Alot of times you can buy the previously viewed dvds from Blockbuster 3 for $20.00. This way you can get something you haven't seen.

Well, I hope you found something on this list that looks recreational to you. I also find myself enjoying the many games on th internet. There are many websites where you can play games for free. is a great example of this. My faveorite are the on line puzzle websites like puzzlebee. I could spen hours just playing around.

Well I hope you enjoy your next day off with a great activity. Just try something new everytime. This way you can start a list recreational activities of your own some day.

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