Simple tips to clean the house

There is no argument that can sometimes seem overwhelming to house cleaning, especially if you have small children like me. For many, it really does not know how to clean house in a fast-days, and not to lose a whole. Here are some tips to help you with the basics.

Before you begin

Wear comfortable clothes as beautiful jogging pants and a T-shirt. Play some up-tempo music can enjoy. It helps! Make sure your house cleaningSupplies in one place so you do not go looking for something all the time. Run a Quick-Pick-up of all the clutter before you clean anything. It is difficult to clean if you have clothes or towels on the floor tripping.
Simple House Cleaning Tips


Wash all dishes and put them away. Clean the sink with Bon Ani or Lysol. Wipe and clean all countertops and cabinets. I recommend using paper towels instead of sponges to preventSpread of bacteria.

Next, go through and discard any out-of-date food. Wipe face the refrigerator. Clean off the area / oven and do not forget to wipe the microwave oven.

Finally, sweep and mop the floor with water and a bit of Lysol.


I like to use 20 Mule Team Borax as a cleaner for sinks, toilets and tub / shower. It works great, is safe for septic systems and environmentally friendly.

Clean mirrors with glass cleaner, Empty trash and sweep / MOP theFloor.

Other Rooms

Dust furniture and electronics with your favorite dust cleaner / polish. Vacuum all floors.

In the bedroom, change all the bedding and all of the above.

This is a simple guide on how to hose that is both effective and easy clean.

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