Cleaning the House - Most Hated Job of All

What is the most hated job that you have to do around your home? It is definitely cleaning the house. At least that is what surveys shows. And I have to agree. Because it is never ending story. Whenever you are finished with one part of the house, the next one is already waiting for cleaning. It is almost like full time job. So is there a way to make it easier? Well, yes. You just have to organize yourself.

First, you need to make a weekly plan of cleaning. Put on a peace of paper what is that that needs to be done during next week. Now you can spread cleaning jobs throughout the week. It is a good start, because you not going to leave all the hard work just for a one day.

Now, you need to split cleaning jobs in categories. Every day jobs, twice a week jobs and weekly jobs. You can put cleaning jobs like doing the dishes, cleaning counters and tidying up in daily routine. Dusting and vacuum cleaning in twice per week jobs, and mopping and bathroom cleaning you can put in weekly jobs.

Therefore, you can leave weekly jobs for a weekend, because they are most time consuming. And for the rest, you can organize that how it best suits you.

In addition, most important thing is that you should involve your whole family. So, when you making a cleaning plan for the next week, you should assign jobs by day and family member. If you split the jobs between all of you, it's going to be much easier.

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