Oil at $ 100 - keeps the house warm at these prices

What should you do?

Weatherize your home page

Make sure your walls and roof are insulated properly. Adding fiberglass insulation in your attic is one of the most cost savings measures and one that you can do yourself. Hot water use a network of pipelines to distribute the heat through the house yours. Wrapping your pipes and hot water heater with insulation is easy to do and relatively inexpensive. With foam or fiberglass insulation with a wallThickness of 3 / 4 in. for fiber optic and 1 / 2 in. of foam.

Seal piping

Leaky ducts creates a system that wastes energy. Sealing your products, your system the ability to consistently cool and heat to enhance any room of your home. In some cases it could to improve the efficiency of a heating and cooling system by 20%. Seal your products with mastic, metal-backed tape or aerosol sealant. Tape should not be used because it maintains to keep up to the high temperatures are notmodified.

Get a programmable thermostat

Programmable thermostats that have earned the ENERGY STAR help you save money and keep your home comfortable by automatically adjusting your temperature settings while you are sleeping or away, you save about $ 100 per year. TIP: To maximize energy savings, install the thermostat from natural cool and hot spots.

Windows Cold Climate Window Tips

Double-pane windows with low-e coating on the glass reflectHeat back into space during the winter months. When you install exterior or interior storm windows that you can reduce your heat loss by 25% to 50%. Finally, do not dismiss the power of the sun that heating homes

Warm-Climate Window Tips

Install white blinds, curtains, blinds or at home reflect heat away from the close and curtains on the south and west windows during the day.

State and Utility incentives and rebate programs

There areIncentives to increase energy efficiency at home from your state or local upgrade utility. Check these sites to get more information and how to rebated while saving money, to keep warm and do the right thing ....

Alliance to Save Energy

ACEEE Energy Efficiency Program Database

Edison Electric Institute

The Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy & Efficiency (DSIR)

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