The Absolute Easiest Way to House Train a Pup

You may assume that house breaking your new puppy is a challenging process and certainly nothing to look forward to. However, by using the proper techniques, this can become a rewarding experience where you establish a closer bond with your pup that can last a lifetime. These methods can also make the training process way less difficult than you were expecting it to be.

Before you start you need to understand how long the process could take. Puppies can learn very quickly but, especially if you are not consistent, they also can get confused about just what you want them to do. Because of this, completely house breaking your pup could take as long as six months. There are even some dogs that can take a full year before they are completely trained.

Two things make this process a long one. First is the fact that the pups are not fully developed so they don't have total control of their body functions. Secondly, because they are growing rapidly they eat a great deal of food and this causes them to have to go as much as every two hours. Knowing this, you should plan on being around the pup as much as possible the the first couple days and nights you have them.

To begin training spread newspaper on the floor near to the pup's sleeping area. The goal is to have the pup go on the newspaper so you should consistently praise him when he does this properly. If the pup forgets to use the paper, definitely do NOT scold him since it will probably just confuse the dog. Instead just disregard the incident and do not react to it at all. By consistently using praise when they go on the paper your pup will make the connection eventually and you will have taken your first step to house breaking him!

Make sure that you are very attentive to the pup during this time so you will see what the pup does when he needs to go. The pup might walk around in circles or put their nose to the ground and start sniffing around for a place to go. Once you learn the signals you can quickly carry them to the paper when you see them. In addition, you should do this first thing when wake up and last thing each evening. You should also place them on the paper after play sessions and after a meal.

Once this first step of connection the paper and peeing has been made in the dog's mind, occasionally move the paper closer to the door. Just do this a little bit at a time until the papers is right next to the door. After the paper has been next to the door awhile, move it outside, but try to find a place where the pup can still see the paper. Since the connection with the newspaper has been made, the pup will want to go outside to use it. After you have done this for awhile and let them use the paper outside, you will find that you can stop using the paper altogether. The pup will just ask to go outside when they need to go. During all of these steps you need to remember to consistently praise your puppy when he does what you want him to do.

You can also train a dog to use a crate during this time. Many people thing that dogs feel captive inside a crate while just the opposite is true. Using a crate for dog to sleep and relax in. Almost all dogs will like the idea of having their own, familiar crate to relax in. This is natural and even dog relatives like wolves or foxes have enclosed dens that they use as a safe spot to nap and feel safe.

You can leave the dog in his crate with a pan of water outside when you have to leave the house. It is natural for the dog to want to go to the bathroom where they sleep so you should also set some newspaper not far from their crate in case they need to go. If you have an enclosed yard or outside space you may want to consider a dog door to allow them to continue to pee outside even when you are gone.


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