The Green House - Solar Power

Green is big. Regardless of your political and scientific beliefs, you can not deny, the power of the green movement. Implementation of green technologies have a direct impact on a universal costs: Utilities. This article is about you saving money and building the value of your home. Currently, more than a third of all electricity consumption goes to heat and cool our homes.

Solar power has been around forever ... truest sense of the word. It is an inexhaustible source of energy, and in all respects,it's free. In fact, we already have the solar energy use for heating and cooling our homes, cook our food and power our vehicles. The fossil fuels we burn today are nothing more than stored solar energy that plants captured through photosynthesis. Over millions of years, heat and pressure turned the dead plants and animals into deposits of coal, oil and natural gas.


Right now, house systems are available to reduce solar electricity bill monthly from 50 to 70 percent.There is also a current trend in building "zero energy homes." Through this process, builders construct homes use air-tight envelopes, Energy Star appliances, compact fluorescent lamps, and of course a passive photovoltaic solar system. In Lenoir City, Tennessee, Habitat for Humanity volunteers this modest size homes (1000-1200 sq. ft.) homes for around $ 100,000 per built. Each of the houses in the neighborhood, called "Harmony Heights," each electricity bill, on average, less than$ 25 per month.

Intelligent Design

When building a new house, these tips from Mother Earth News:

Solar Design for cold climates:

1st Choose a site with no obstacles in the south for complete access to the low inclination of the winter sun. Another plus is a place with trees, the prevailing winds in winter, which can usually block from the north.

2nd Choose a design with a long south wall to within 15 degrees of trueSouth.

3rd The house should have a sufficient thermal mass (dense, heat-storing materials such as concrete or terracotta floors). Consider building an earth embankment on the north side for more thermal mass.

4th Most of the windows should be in the south for access to the winter sun in the face. Set a minimum window area on the east and west sides, and place very few windows in the north wall.

5th Use shorter overhangs on south-facing windows get in the winter for better heat and plenty of overhangsover other windows for shading.

6th to prevent Cover windows and glass doors in the night with blinds or curtains insulated electrical tape heat loss.

7th Maximize insulation in walls and ceiling. Use some rigid insulation under the floor and at the edges.

8th Consider using a dark roof surface to collect maximum solar gain in winter.

9th Mechanical ventilation is likely to be necessary in winter, a heat recovery ventilator, the air is preheated, a good option.

10thIf we look to block a porch or plantations in the west to the afternoon sun in summer.

Solar Design for warmer climates

1st For a place where the north can be positioned in the search house with lots of outdoor living space. Another plus is a place with trees in the east and west to block morning and afternoon sun.

2nd The house should be in the form of compact, less wall area exposed to the sun. Build shady verandas and terraces.

3rd Focus on creating outdoor livingRooms on the north and east for cooking, sleeping and relaxing. Comfortable shaded verandas are inexpensive additions, luxurious make a house feel.

4th Take advantage of the cooling effect of vegetation through the planning for many trees, vines and garden space. Established shade trees are an invaluable resource to protect!

5th Maximize insulation in the walls and ceiling.

6th For the roof, with a radiant barrier and reflective or bright metal roof tilesCreate and airspace between the roof and the sheathing.

7th If some winter heating is required, thermal mass, such as a concrete floor, and Windows are used in the South.

8th If you are south-facing thermal mass for heating in winter, use deciduous trees or vine-covered arbor to shade it in summer.

9th In arid climates, use thick walls as a buffer against the sun. Minimize windows to increase that impact.

10th make in hot, humid climates with no winter, no worriesthermal mass. Lift the building from the ground to crawl across open space to promote air flow. Maximize the window and door openings on all sides.


According to the Appraisal Institute, a solar power system increases home value of $ 20,000 for every $ 1,000 in reduced operating costs. In addition to there is a federal tax credit of $ 2,000 and state rebates to encourage consumers to buy a solar power system. An online calculator(Http: / / is available, the approximate cost of the system to be calculated, together with an assessment of sun exposure, rebates, tax credits, increased property value and more. Currently, the return on investment for solar power is the long term. For Denver, Colorado, to the expected year break-even range 6 to 15 years. How Hybrids come up solar power systems in price, you should not invest in the system, short for a profit.

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