Factors That Affect Property Value

When we try to determine property value for your home, we compare your home with old listings and active listings on the Charleston MLS. No two properties are completely alike, but some properties are similar enough to compare prices. So, we look at comparable homes that have recently sold in your area (sold listings), homes that were for sale on the market but never successfully sold (expired listings), and homes that are currently for sale (active listings). Aside from these comparisons, we also take other factors into consideration when determining a home's value.

1. One of the most important factors that affect value is location. Homes that are closer to the beach or to downtown Charleston sell at a higher price. You can install all of the Brazilian cherry flooring and stainless appliances you want, but you cannot change the location of a home!

2. While we're on the topic of upgrades, another major factor is what improvements the owners have made to the house. Updating kitchens, replacing flooring, repainting walls, and adding landscaping can add to the value of a home. However, sometimes homeowners can spend too much on a house and not get all of their money back when it comes time to sell the house. Before making drastic improvements to your house, be sure to talk with your real estate agent so that you use your money wisely on your investment.

3. The neighborhood or general area surrounding your home can greatly affect your home's value. Some neighborhoods are more desirable than others. Also, some areas are avoided because of major traffic, large roads, or flooding.

4. If a seller needs to sell the house quickly, he or she may be willing to take a slightly lower asking price for the house. For this reason we talk with our clients to find out why they are selling their home and by what date they need to move.

5. The time of year also can affect a home's current market value. People generally tend to avoid major holidays when it comes time to buying a house and moving. The most active time of the year is probably March to August. So, if you are trying to sell your house in late November, you will be in a less active market and may have to wait longer or accept a lower price for it.

So, location, improvements, general area, the seller's time frame, and the time of year can affect property value.


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