Beautify your Master Bedroom and Make it Your Favorite Room in the House

Experts say that the marriage study, our home is often the worst place to find romance because of all the distractions. [1]

I would like to share with you some ways to make your bedroom as a refuge and a place of beauty. Just as the Bible speaks of David found refuge from King Saul's pursuits of him, you too can come to your bedroom as a place of refuge, beauty and peace view. Just as David referred to his sanctuary Engedi escaped, you can create your own as Engedigood.

Start by picturing in your mind, what would the perfect place to look and feel like making the time and love with your spouse. What comes to your mind? What does this look like oasis? Can you recognize pleasing smells and sensations?

Do you have even a remote hut painted in the woods, or was it more like a deserted beach? Why do feel this kind of places "so special? Why do they seem so "perfect" for sex?

When we speak of our bedroom oneEngedi, we are talking about making an attempt to feel and look like a shrine. The sanctuary I mean words like a retreat, an oasis, a place to hide, and a safe refuge.

Your Engedi should be a place where you and your spouse feel relaxed and refreshed. For most couples, this would be her bedroom, and this space was supposed to be the most beautiful room in your home. The goal for this room is home to make your favorite room in the whole.

In a book entitled "IntimateProblems, the authors Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus, "Walk into your bedroom and take a long look. Is there a place for passionate love set if not, the stage." [2]

How do you think about how to start working on your bedroom, here are a few important questions to consider, ask yourself about your Engedi:

o Is your bedroom into a space that welcomes you?

o Is it clean and organized?

o Is it attractive and appealing to watch?

o Is it a creative atmosphere for yourSex?

o Is it a private, safe and romantic hideaway?

o Is it a sanctuary for the king and queen from home?

If you have read this article with your spouse, or planning, the idea is to discuss with them, consider discussing this question: If you could snap your fingers and change things about your bedroom, what would they, and why?

Maybe you need Engedi is a little work. Know what you do not let your Engedi frustrate you decide, simply,some changes to a little at a time and your bedroom, what will be the two of you to be.

Here are the few things you can do to feel your Engedi me like a sanctuary. Even if you both love the way your bedroom looks now, you could read something that some subtle changes, little things can make the Engedi still inspired to do better. You can even an idea you like reading to take in the future would have.

An important aspect is considered in order to ensure EngediMinister for the senses. God created us with a wonderful sense for vision, taste, hearing, touch and smell. Try to bear that meaning in mind as you decorate the examination and your bedroom.

The following list is to help the two of you start conversations about your Engedi:

1st Privacy Policy. Make sure there is a lock on your door and use it! The peace of mind, while your sex often critical for a woman. Security against intruders (even small, friendly one)usually high on the list a woman!

2nd Elimination of noise outside the bedroom. If you are easily distracted by noises outside your room, you can try these little tricks:

a. Run to block a floor fan or sound machine in your room, the sounds

b. Play some music or turn, so you do not hear noise outside the door

3rd Have different kinds of lighting. Various forms of lighting is not only your love of the game, but can create a relaxed atmosphere.

a. InstallDimmers for ceiling lighting

b. Purchase small table lamps, and use low-watt bulbs

c. Place strands of white Christmas tree lights in artificial plants or trees in your room

d. candlelight. This can be very romantic. If you are sensitive to smells, buy unscented or those with gentle scents like vanilla or almond

4th Take a look at this beautiful area. Your mood can greatly from what you see, be improved.

a. Buy a nice bed for your coverbed. Your bed takes a large percentage of the space in your room, so make sure it's something you both like us.

b. Buy attractive curtains or shades for your windows

c. Pillows can add a great visual interest to a room. They also offer comfort and uniqueness to your times of sexual intercourse

5th Focus on your hearing. Sounds like:

Others can play your favorite relaxing and romantic CDs coming down your stress level by the activities of the day to makeenormously

b. Some couples enjoy it, set up a small fountain as part of their bedroom. The sound of water can certainly bring soothing results

6th Increase your sexual desire by smell. Try some of these ideas:

a. Fragrant Laundry sprays you both enjoy

b. Scented candles

c. Ask your man to wear your favorite after-shave lotion

d. Buy your wife some cologne that reminds you of them

I remember how the whole concept of the first burdened Engedime. Through my studies of sex and intimacy in marriage, I began to understand the importance Engedi is for my relationship with my husband. I tend to a very practical person and had never spent much money for our bedroom, but I realized I had underestimated how important it is to our bedroom a place that was beautiful and inviting for both of us could do.

Some years ago I went shopping. My goal was to beautify and "Sexify" our bedroom to make it welcoming and relaxing.My husband and I live in a log house, and I've always liked how the wood of the walls and vaults make the rooms warm and inviting. I had always wanted did not have much need in the way of decoration, so there's something special. However, I bought some valences, a few unique decorations and bought an even sit fichus artificial tree in one corner of the room. Then I put a few small red and white lights in strands of it. Now it is one of our favorite ways to "the mood" inour room.

Later we bought a CD player so we could enjoy a soft, relaxing music, and we also have a couple of lightly scented candles. Finally, we bought two wonderful beds and laid it against the wall opposite our bed. This allows us opportunities to speak to private and give us a wonderful place to relax. Now our Engedi is really our favorite place to be when we are together.

My husband and I have to beat all our trained children big and small, beforeEnter our bedroom. We have ensured that they understood our bedroom is to play not just another place for them or unwelcome in the force.

Small changes like these have helped me, the importance of what we mean to Engedi in our house. It has proven to be worth the time and the money to our Engedi a very special and intimate spot just for us two.

I encourage you and your partner how you like your Engedi your ideas for improving the Brain Stormby your master bedroom or a well-deserved makeover facelift!


[1] Lorilee Craker, we should do this more often (Colorado Springs, CO: WaterBrook Press, 2005), 43 [2] Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus, Intimate Issues: 21 Questions Christian Women Ask About Sex (Colorado Springs, CO: WaterBrook Press, 1999), 223

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