Choosing an Exterior Color Scheme For Your Home

Painting a house can be a long process, especially when you factor in the amount of time spent on deciding on a color scheme. There are limitless possibilities to choose from and narrowing down and deciding on one particular color can be overwhelming. You certainly won't want to choose a color that you won't like after seeing it on your house. Therefore, it is important to take into account some necessary issues before you start painting.

First, be sure to compare what parts of your house are being painted with the parts that are not. For example, your roof is not going to be painted. Make sure the colors you choose will match the color of the roof. The same goes for any brick or stone exteriors. Use the natural colors of the roof and masonry as a starting point for comparing potential color schemes.

Next, pick three colors for each of these areas: the field (the main exterior walls); the trim (window trim, fascias, etc.); and the accent (doors, shutters, etc.). The field color is the main color that will be seen when looking at your entire house. Choosing a darker field color can make your house look smaller, while lighter colors can make it appear larger. The trim color must work in conjunction with the field color to bring the overall look of the house together. If you choose a dark trim color, the windows may appear too prominent. Choosing a color that is lighter than the field color will highlight the trim without making them too drastic. Accent items are the ones you want to be prominent, so choosing a vibrant color for these is recommended. You see many red doors and shutters for precisely this reason.

Be sure to take into account the architecture of your house and how it fits into your neighborhood. If you live in a Victorian-style home, colors can be a little more vibrant. Colonial style homes are often more muted with a three-color scheme. Craftsman style homes are usually more neutral or earth-toned in color. Look around your neighborhood and get a sense of how your house should fit in. You won't want to be the only bright colored home on the block, but you also won't want sink into the background.

If you're not comfortable picking out a color scheme, many paint stores and manufacturers can help with pre-selected color palettes that are available for your perusal. Many of these color palettes are specifically designed for each architectural style and can be very helpful when narrowing down your color choices. Furthermore, there are many online resources that you can use to see the colors painted on houses. Some websites even will allow you to upload a picture of your house and will colorize the photo with any color combination you desire. Using these resources is a great way to have confidence in your color choices before the painting begins.

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