Sources of heat loss in the House

There are three main sources of heat loss in the house, if fixed, you can save up to $ 500 per year. A source of heat loss, which you can not have is the fireplace. Some houses have a fireplace that is secure as a window left open. Warm air escapes through the chimney, which acts like a funnel, drawing air out to the top. Even if you have a fire in your fireplace and sealed the gaps around, it's still the shock.

The dampergenerates a stream of air, without which could not burn the fire, but if it can not fire going, so that the flap open like a window open. In fact, you can lose 30% of your air conditioner heat through the shock.

Not all houses have an attic, but many do so, if you will have access to your attic by a folding staircase, ceiling and insulation have been removed to install it. Often it is only by a thin piece of plywood, that can have even covered by gapsthe edges. To find out, switch on the attic light at night and view it from below. If you can see points of light, it is close gaps that need. In fact, the entire surface covered with an attic stairs to cover.

The third place for the heat loss when your clothes dryer exhaust duct connection is an opening to the outside. Even if the door has closed, warm air can still escape through the dryer. Add a dryer vent seal to solve the problem and keep out bugs as well.

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