5 Tips on buying your first home

I am a wedding and only embarked on an ambitious trip for a wedding. The first thing to do would be one of Singapore is to buy a house or an apartment to possess. There are public housing and private housing. For most Singaporeans will (or at least 60%), a government-owned or public housing. The housing is like a pigeon hole in the sky. Singapore is a small island, this is a way of life.

You can create new housing by the government to buy youfour years to be built for the apartment. Or contact one of the open-air markets where helping you find a guard. Before giving a flat five things that you first have to consider.

1) place, location, and the path
This is of utmost importance. Then you can choose to stay near the city, in a city or rural. You must first consider what is convenient for your job or close to the line of support. She enjoys the peace of the countryLife or the excitement and city life. You decide. And 'important to think long term, if you stay for more than 5 years.

2) Services
Maybe you should think if this area is a mature property, where shops, restaurants, entertainment center, hospitals, schools, child support nursing station nearby. For a new property, you must wait for five years or more, if I may wait so long.

3) Budget
Yesthe value of the house is an important aspect and should also fit your budget. There are houses that are out of reach, perhaps, but there are other resources for you. Never pay to go and buy a house with huge debts. The monthly loan should not exceed 20% of their income as a rough guide. Since other expenses like a car to own and pay for other needs.

04:00) Environment
Keep in mind, talk to your neighbors and futureCheck with them there is no "lender" or collectors that are disturbing. You do not want your future to be threatened at home or disturbed by these people. You should check for wall or letterbox area for Tell Tale Signs. And be sure to have good neighbors, so it is good to build good relations with them.

5) Room
For the newly married couple, you may consider buying a smaller apartment units. Three or Four Bedroom Apt can be quite good when the price is lower andthey are accessible. You must think of the cleaning costs. If you have children, you may first think of the larger apartment in the future.

There is so much at home to consider when buying a call and a home. There will always be the decision. Make your choice wisely and there is never a right or wrong answer. Finally, is your house, your house, to make it a big house and are happy to live in.


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