Black Beauty Myth

When blacks arrived in the New World 400 years ago, soon learned to devalue the color of their skin, eyes, and the texture of the hair. Apparently in this new world, the white skin was synonymous with beauty and luxury, and blacks the chance to master their own to look like the slaves were slaves given jobs in the big house, and as cooks while their skin color than dark, the fields were sent to colleagues. This division along lines of color holede facto caste system, remnants of which survive today.

In the south, where the impact of this caste system were more obvious, the light skin blacks enjoyed a level of education, leading to greater social status and financial rewards. Lighter blacks also experienced an improvement in relations with whites, which they saw as less threatening than darker blacks. Fully aware of the advantages of light skin, black beauty often those who married the same skin colorin subsequent generations, the prohibition to marry their children in dark-skinned blacks. If a sufficient number of clear skin, blacks could happen, "or move unnoticed into white society, which has always avoided the pitfalls of social black.

Of course no self respect Black person would try to pass at that time. Although there is still a stigma of being black, has our progress in gaining political equality and socio-economic, the need to move "unnecessary." Not only that, but we arrived atappreciate our African heritage, and is enjoying a renaissance of the Black Pride movement, which started in mid 1960. At that time, blacks expressed by the yolk of the dominant culture of the decision of an African-centered approach to their lives. Across the country, blacks students were demanding that African and African American history has become part of the curriculum, and threw its combs and hair bleaching and printing natural adoption, whilecelebrate the beauty of dark skin. In no time, "Black Power!" became the battle cry of the day.

Unfortunately, swelling that had lowered the ethnic pride of the 1980s, and its apparent revival in 90 years the focus and vision that his predecessors had lacked defined. Without any apparent challenge to dominate the values of culture, has created about Black Pride 1990 as little more than a commodity to be exploited commercially packaged for mass consumption. Poor qualityPortraits of the great African leaders and African-Americans like Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, rich in K-Mart and on street corners. chains of skin in the form of the African continent has established the neck of the old school black youth, while the form of the Malcolm X graced everything from T-shirts, baseball caps. Traditional African clothes, with such pride for over twenty-five years ago, has been usurped against Madison Avenue to meet the public's enthusiasm for ethnicClothing.

Fast forward into the new millennium. Once again wore her hair looking naturally is taboo in the entertainment industry and some cultural counter part, and the chemical relaxer, ironically, with names such as Dark and Lovely and African Pride, is the millennial version of the pressing comb. Even the bleaching cream, now known euphemistically as evener skin is back. Ideally, smiling blonde continues to influence and define the physical characteristicsThe perception of black Americans year after allegedly shook their influence for good.

But there is another framework riding Black self-hatred, a picture, this is perhaps the worst of all. Of course, this is the woman's face is also a fantasy, an ideal forced upon us by the dominant culture. His face should be blacks, but actually is a middle ground. This woman is very light skinned, long hair loose and wavy brown, green or hazel eyes often. Asmost of the media images, this is not representative, but because there is White America is better. The damages in such a picture is its ubiquity in half with an incredible influence on many young blacks. The message of such a framework is clear and culturally tragic. Since many of us live within our endless hair, bleach our skin, our African characteristics and maim the colored contact lenses, effectively denying our cultural identity. We act byAdoption of a beauty standard imposed on us for the purpose of sharing both our people and assured that we remain second-class citizens, even if only in our heads.

Not to say that blacks are born with more Caucasoid features somehow less black or that those who are elected by us, even our hair ignorant or ashamed of their African identity. The issue is who is not black. It 'a lot more at stake than this simple explanation. At stake is our universalIdentity as a people. Because of who we are when we are guided by a culture that often refused to recognize us as full citizens are defined? Who are we if we allow this culture not to us in ways that affect self-esteem of our children, and sometimes continue to define our own?

I think my younger sister, who is bi-racial, but for the whole world seems to be. It 's a beautiful young woman with Tawny skin, brown eyes and wavy hair chocolate brown.How many times have I heard others praise the hair as well as blacks, while in the same breath mock woolly hair texture often with us as a "diaper", "Kinky," and simply "bad." In truth there is nothing intrinsically good or more straight or woolly hair, with fair skin or dark blue or brown eyes. found racial phenotype, major physical differences between "races" are nothing more than climate change, as the white coats of Arctic animals.The beauty in their racial characteristics arising from the recognition that they own. Everyone should be proud of the way we like. Whites and Asians certainly, why not us?

The blacks are available in a rainbow of skin colors, the display of ivory, ebony, deep, rich texture of our hair and apply directly to bone thickness. We should all celebrate our beautiful deviations, and we should certainly EU standards and the need to define our outer beauty. If you do not define who we areAre what we are and how we look, we will always be victims of the worst kind of slavery.

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