Akhnaton, Nefertiti and the Boy Pharaoh Tutankhamen

Recently, yahoo News reported that the controversial mummified body of Egypt's youngest Pharaoh, Tutenchamon, has been subjected to DNA test and that the result will soon be announced. It is persuaded that through this, the mystery surrounding his genealogy will finally be set to rest. It will be known who were his parents, why he died whether from a blow on the head or some other source, the relationship with Ech - en - aton, generally referred to as AKHNATON, who introduced the concept of one God, according to scholars in Egypt. But the DNA test will only raise new puzzles- historical puzzles, for the history of that time was suffused in so much intrigue, vendetta and power play so high that even history has been distorted, which is basically the cause of the current confusion over the era.

To explain the circumstances of the era, it should be noted that Aknaton, let us use the proper name Ech-en-aton- was not the first to teach about the one God, as others before him, as for example, Amenemthep, who later took the name Nemare, meaning, Away with Re.

Re has been the guiding god of Egypt since time immemorial. Re is the Egypt name for Lucifer. The first place where the human spirits incarnated into most highly evolved animals in the cycle of human evolution was Egypt, and it was here that Re first started to teach man to sharpen and use the intellect to work on earth. Even at the time of Amenophis later called Ech- en- aton, the pharaoh used to perceive him and sometimes see him just like the Greeks were able to see the gods. Statues of Lucifer are usually found in the temples of Re, as different from the temples of Ammon, one of the beings of Animism worshipped as god also.

With this background it is easier to understand what happened at the time of Ech-en-aton and, later, Tut-ench-amon. Ech-en-aton, in search of God, was later to be led to discover the existence of the one God. He had to wait until he became pharaoh and become inwardly prepared to overthrow the reign of Re. Of course, the priests of the Re opposed it vehementaly, with an attempted assassination by the chief priest Hapu, who died in the process. A second assassination attempt left several priests of Re dead and many joining the new faith while the rest fled to Babylon. He moved his capital from Thebes to El-armana and built a temple to he who made the sun. But the visible symbol of the light is the sun, where he believed that God spread his radiant blessing over mankind through the rays of the sun. Hence the temple of Aton - temple of the sun- tears a solar Disc- just like later the people of incas did.

Ech-en-aton had married a Babylonian princess recommended to him by his father, Amon-Hotep. Her name was Nefer, and she had three children for him - Nefertiti, Amenema and Senarna. She had no son, and this became the worry of pharaoh: who will succeed him. Princess Nefer never accepted the new faith and refused to move to El-armana with her husband. Only Nefetiti, the first and favourite daughter, moved in with him; others remained in Thebes' palace. She was still in contact with the priests of Re in Babylon. Meanwhile, she started to match - make his last daughter Semarna. She wanted her countryman to take over as pharaoh. After so much consultation, intrigue and cunning, the Babylonian, Tut-ench-amon, was allowed by pharaoh to marry the daughter, but delayed naming him as the successor. Tut was not happy about it, even though he pretended to accept the new faith. The elder daughter fell in love with and artisan, a sculptor, named Sakare. With that she has automatically ruled herself out of the dynasty.

Both girls gave birth the same day- Amenema to a baby girl and Semarna to a boy. Meanwhile Amenama had a change of name to Merit-Aton, while Semarna refused the name Maket-Aton chosen by pharaoh to her but chose Anches - en - Aton. She later called her little son Tut-ench - aton II. But the little girl was called Maket- Aton, the name the aunt rejected. Tut-ench-amon dedicated the child to Re secretly. Later, Ech-en-Aton dedicated him to God in the temple and declared that he is the future pharaoh.

No sooner has this been done than an assassin plunged a dagger into his heart. He died there. Babylonian soldiers took over the place, and Tut-ench-amon told everyone to swear to serve Re. Only Horem-Heb, the Egyptian general, did that and flew to Babylon. There followed an era of blood bath in Egypt that was unprecedented. The city of El-Amarna was raised to the ground by the man who usurped power. What's more, he furthermore, he wanted to marry Nefertiti by force, declaring openely that Anches - en - aton was just a means to an end. He changed his name back to Tut-ench-amon and his wife to Anches -en -amon. When Nefertiti refused to marry him, he wanted in every away to get back at her. Meanwhile, Nefertiti was looking after the little boy. Tut- ench - amon collected the family sculptures where the image of Ech-en-aton and Nefertiti was kept and gave orders that the caption should be wiped and written "Ech- en-aton and his wife Nefertiti,; just to spite Nefertiti. He did the same in other family portraits - hence in some, Nefer is the short for nefertiti. Nefertiti, under such agonies died in the house of Eje, the priest of his father who was taking care of her through his wife Teje.

At the same time, a slave girl had died and in order not to allow her body to get into the hands of Tut-ench-amon, they exchanged the bodies and she was buried in an unmarked grave. But the slave girl was taken to the temple of Re to exorcise it of the influence of her father before it was buried. Meanwhile a dedicated subject of Ech-en-aton sneaked in one day and assassinated Tut-ench-amon, and Eje, the priest, took over pending when Tut-ench-amon II will be of age. At the age of twelve, he ascended the throne and was to marry his cousin Maket - aton, who was his alter ago. But the priests who were priest of Re have abhorred his closeness to the girl and at his ascension to the throne, killed the girl. Tut-ench-amon a weak and frail boy, died shortly after. Such was the bond between them.

Eje, the priest, took the reign of office until the Re priests went to Babylon and brought back Horem -Heb. They killed Eje and installed him as Pharaoh.

The burial of Tut-ench-amon was grand. Every Egyptian brought everything precious they had- they wanted to give what they were not allowed to give to Ech-en-aton who was buriad ignobly. So everything given to him was intended for the grand father Ech-en-aton. Thus, under the direction of Eje, everything was correctly arranged.

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