The Law of Attraction and the Movie "Life As a House"

Such a great movie to show the Law of Attraction in action. George (Kevin Kline) plays a discouraged architect whose life seems out of control in many ways. He is not happy at his work, he is estranged from his son and his ex-wife, Robin (Kirsten Scott Thomas) and lives in a run down old shack that is falling apart. As well, he has just been diagnosed with cancer and he gets fired from his long time job of 20 years. After he gets fired, he is so angry, that he leaves the office, breaking most of his architectural models, much to the horror of his colleagues. He then collapses outside of the office building and is rushed to the hospital. It is here that we find out that he has cancer and is told he has very little time to live.

While George is in the hospital, he shares with a nurse that he is going to build a house. He has every part of it ready, the designed reviewed, the planning commission and city council contacted. One realizes that he has it already built in his mind, every inch of it and he is told has 4 months to live, he decides he wants to truly start living and building his dream.

The Law of Attraction has, at its foundation, the idea that whatever is focused upon expands. Georges unhappiness has created a life he is not proud or happy with. His diagnosis is a call to move into this happiness.

Robin picks George up at the hospital and George shares with her that he will tear down the shack and build the house he has been talking about for 20 years. He says he wants Sam, their rebellious son, to help him build the house all summer. When George approaches Sam to build the house, Sam gets angry, he is beside himself with the determination to not do what his father has asked. Sam is also an unhappy character, taking drugs and flirting with all sorts of things that are taking him down the wrong path to his happiness.

George tells his son to take out the rings in his face and lets him know that when he is at his house there will be no drugs. Sam plays the unhappy teenager very well. He does however, come with George. One can begin to see a beautiful soul beneath his angry front. All of the past tension between his father and he come out and begin to get resolved.

Georges' intense desire and longing for closeness with his son is his driving motivator in this project of the house. His desire is so focused and so strong that the universe must deliver. Ask and it is given, is the mantra of the Law of Attraction. Not once does he waver in this desire. "I WANT you here, he says to Sam!!" Sam is so frustrated with the mess in his fathers home, with no proper toilet or shower, that he goes over to a neighbors home to shower. Here enters Alyssa and her mother. They allow him to use their facilities and a romantic relationship begins with Alyssa and Sam.

Alyssa and her mother become an integral part of helping George and Sam build the house and mend their relationship.

A moment that tells us that George is moving towards joy is when he jumps into the ocean from a cliff with an immense amount of joy. He scares the daylights out of Sam because he has not seen his father be so free and joyful. It is a moment of fun and letting the audience know that his desire to be happy is his first goal in life now.

For a while, Sam does not help his father, but the day that Sam does indeed begin to help George is so exciting. George looks relieved and renewed, even though he is in quite constant pain from the cancer. This is the beginning of the transformation of this relationship. It is so lovely to watch it unfold with supporting music and beautiful scenery of the ocean and sky. Once Sam is on board, Robin begins to come each day. The past family tensions get put aside and all efforts to build the house are in place. The house is like the glue that is helping all the relationships become transformed. The work becomes fast and easy, with a flow to it that is in flow with the universe, joyful, effortless, easy.

Robin and George have passion still from their marriage and they fall in love with one another all over again. Sam is moved by witnessing his parents fall in love again, he is pleased.

George shares a lot with Sam about his childhood and his parents destructive relationship and how his father while driving drunk killed a woman and injured a little girl in the back seat and how this girl is still out there living disabled. One can tell that this past event has impacted him greatly and he would like to feel at peace with it.

Robin is not very happy in her present marriage. Her husband is cold and distant, even finding it difficult to hug his own children. When he asks Robin to go away with him for awhile, she tells him that she has been helping George out on his house and that she wants to be around Sam because he is working. One can feel that this relationship needs help too. And the house is the symbol that begins this transformation.

The Law of Attraction is action here is everywhere. All people are wanting guidance in some area. They all have desires that are being fulfilled. The building of the house is the glue once again. The title, Life As a House, is excellent. It truly uses this as a metaphor for happiness for the characters.

A great moment that is supported by lovely music is when George is on the roof looking down at his ex-wife and his son and her kids and all seems well. He looks happy for the first time in many years. It is as if he is saying 'this is what life should be like." When Robin asks what he meant when he said she was the most beautiful woman he knew, George replies "WHAT, do I still love you, absolutely, there is not a doubt in my mind. All the times in my anger and my ego, I was always faithful in my love for you.

When all of the characters find out about Georges cancer, they each have their own reaction. Sam is angry because he after so many years he now loves his dad and Robin realizes how much she still loves him.

One morning there is about 20 people working on the house. The entire neighborhood seems to have come out. Sam feeling depressed about his fathers dying is resisting helping out but Alyssa says to Sam "if it was my father I would want to spend every single second with him" He is moved by this answer and both of them go out and help.

The building of this house is so transformative for everyone. George dies in the movie but one has the sense that he has died a very happy man. He is complete and has done what he wanted to do, build his house and the relationships between he and his son and ex-wife are completely happy. What a beautiful way to transition, being completely happy.

Ask and it is given, each of these characters are given what they have asked for, peaceful relations and inner joy.

As a symbol of his freedom, Sam does a ceremonial jump into the ocean, just as his father had done just a few months before. And, when he goes to visit his father for one last time they both look outside the hospital window and see they house they have build together. George says to Sam, "finish it Sam." And Sam provides leadership in finishing the house and then in a gesture of absolute kindness, he decides to give this beautiful house to the girl who had been disabled in the car accident by his grandfather.

Such a beautiful story of love and attracting what one is putting out into the world, love and support and joy and cooperation. The Law of Attraction in Action.

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