Do not let your fun Entertain You All the Way to the Poor House!

We all have only 24 hours in a day. Only 24 hours. If we use this to sleep eight, two in traffic, 0.5 in the toilet / bathroom. Eight more hours of work for "man." This leaves us with only four hours to do everything ... That is, meals, laundry, shopping, spending time with children, etc. If you do the math, you can see that this does not leave a lot 'of time for the tube. But somehow we seem to find time for TV. With hundreds of channels andThousands of shows, no wonder we're all addicted. Now it is time to "hook" us. We can use television as a learning tool or as a way to stay on current events, but Should not we give that little of Our leisure to leave. Set a time limit for you and your family. If you go by AC Nielsen Co., the average American spends more than four hours of television a day (or 28 hours per week, or two months non-stop TV-watching per year). In a65 years of life, will this person was nine years glued to the tube.

Most of us have things we want to do with our lives, our dreams, we are still on. We simply do not know what we can do to become a reality. Whatever it is, one thing is certain, that we probably will not find on TV. According to researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, Americans spend nine times to make a lot of minutes for the TV and / or movies asexercise, sport, and combines all the other recreational activities. When you add listening to music and go out for the club, you have a whole new arena of wasted time has come, and that lost time is never found. In fact, sociologists have said television is the most common human activities after work and sleep.

Right now we have our time to what is recognizable. It is our most precious resource. Unlike cash, if your time is up ... They aredisappeared. If the money is gone, you can always go back. If your house burns down (God forbid), you can rebuild another, the same with a machine shop, etc.

If you need to be retained, rewarded with entertainment. Only when stretched and grew up and learned to be something new, you should take your time on the "idiot box". While we are now in the information age, we should be the advantage that all the information we take in our hands.It's not too late. Learn something new, as a matter of fact, you should try to learn something new every day. Do not be afraid to tap into these dreams of childhood. It is not foolish to think that you're a pilot, pilot or firefighter in reality.

The point is, as a society we are still slaves of fun. Our situation in life changes do not change our position. We do not go to work, we are concerned about the economy, if we can improve our economy and personalif you complain when someone else brought. You are that person. Start learning a good night, every day something new. Being the person more informed your position. This is what it takes to turn around your life. I think, on vacation or home with your new personal growth is a bit 'of time with our beloved television.

If there's something you want / need and do not yet know. Find it! Let this be your commitment:

If he / shecan do, can happen. If you can do, I can do it!

Rob the Golden


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