The most revolutionary beautiful world - Maud Gonne

Maud Gonne was Tongham, Surrey, England, born in 1865. His father was an officer with the 17th Light Dragoons, 1868, he was sent to Ireland and the whole family moved to Dublin. His mother died of tuberculosis in 1871, Maud and her sister were sent to be educated in France. As a teenager, he traveled throughout Europe, spending the winter in Switzerland and Italy in the summer. It was also a woman of breathtaking beauty - six feet tall, handsome face growing hourglassThe figure is very, very red hair - was certainly one of the beauties of old age. 1884 his father was once again booked Dublin withdrew and Maud took the role of hostess.

When his father died in 1886, returned to Paris, where he met and fell in love with a French political activist named Millevoye Lucien, who was already married, their relationship while Maud was living illegally. Influenced by Millevoye was encouraged Skirtslead to the Irish nationalists against Britain, are involved with famine relief, and the Land League in Ireland. Moving in this revolutionary circles, she met the poet William Butler Yeats in 1889, Yeats was obsessed with her, and she has inspired many of his most famous poems.

Between 1893 and 1895 had two children with Millevoye, Georgette died at the age of three years, was raised by Isolde Maud as their grandson. In a fundraising tour of the States, met John MacBride, an Irish nationalist andA veteran of the Boer War. They had a son, Sean, was in 1904, but their marriage is anything but a happy and Maud fled to France with Sean with her. After the 1916 MacBride was executed for his role as leader of the rebellion. Skirts was arrested along with a number of Irish nationalists in 1918, but was released when he was in ill health. He spent the 1920 campaign for Irish political prisoners.

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