Treatment of Mark Foley compound the debate in Congress, Logic Optional

The initiation of a protocol of emergency today, the House of Representatives adopted a policy that said all suspected pedophiles Nancy Congress leader will be in rehabilitation for alcoholism. Pelosi's Democratic House, "Mark Foley pedophilia is a good example for all Today, if essentially admitted drinking problem. We hope that the follow-up meetings with some of Alcoholics Anonymous, Representative Foley does not want to have sex with boymore. "

A spokesman for the FBI had his doubts. "It 's a bit early in the investigation, but we have beer cans and bottles of wine found in Foley's home, but we e-mail to Jack Daniels to find a previous page."

Foley is the best thing for the introduction of laws to protect children from known sex offenders. Many Senate Democrats accuse Foley a political trick. Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts has proposed: "It 's very simple. He was not happy with the law has created -He thought he had too many loopholes and lacked execution. Representative Foley did not want to go through the work of drafting a new bill, wanted to make a point. It hurts me that President Bush and Vice-President Cheney at the White House again, and now ... Now this disgusting act by an elected official. "

The new protocol will prevent any more by the people who create broken. A main incentive plan defines a large blade, which isSpank future damage. The paddle is made of wood - possibly oak - and will be a heart painted in the center. In case of breaking the Republican law, a senior Democratic leaders learn spanking, and vice versa.

Halliburton has already been commissioned to build the paddle. Immediately after the paddle is built, every member of Congress is required to submit a preliminary typing. The pulse is used to identify potential sex offenders. If you look at the joyby the majority of both chambers, it is a party, the demand for accountability and an investigation by the opposite. All pedophiles will be treated for alcohol abuse, alcoholism, and all will be treated for pedophilia.


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