House MD TV Show

House MD TV show has been a main attraction in the FOX channel. Its premiere show was telecasted in 2004. From then onwards about 4 seasons containing 16 to 24 episodes had been completed. This has been the one of the best TV shows shown in American channels with much enthusiasm. The viewer rating for the Dr. House show is amazing. The perfect story line, the grandeur settings, the talented actors, awesome direction and all over the time of telecast all added the grand success of this TV show. The fifth is all set to initiate in 2008.

The basic story of the TV show revolves round the main character Dr. Gregory House, MD a renowned physician specialized in infectious diseases diagnosis and treatment. He has some physical disability and moves with artificial supports. But his unconventional and non traditions thought process, like an eccentric character, makes him a specially designed character. He is highly sought doctor by the patients and relatives due to his ability to diagnose any mysterious diseases. He leads a group of fun filled teams of young doctors including physicians, oncologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and surgeons. The set up of the TV shows are amazing with real life events. The doctor has a soft corner towards the dean and managing director Dr. Lisa Cuddy. Dr. House always tries to work keeping a distance from patients and always tries to avoid any directs talks as well. The great actors Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein play the role of Dr, House and Dr. Lisa.

House MD TV show is a great fantasy and a fun filled attraction all through United States. The popularity of the TV show is so large that many people complaining that they have been addicted towards the serial.

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