Planets in houses

First, a reminder of the concerns of every house on the chart. Houses are sectors or segments numbered clockwise and relate in particular to the tradition vested interests identified, but not limited to Verified by astrological research on many of the last decades, example,

First refers to the look and personality (or segment of this house begins the horizon to the left and below 30 °), followed by .....
According to the Goods and Money
Third Familyintellectual interests and travel
Fourth household and property
Fifth Pleasure and Education
Sixth Health and Human Services
Seventh Marriage and partnership
8th Life planning, death and legacy
Ninth Philosophy and Religion
10th Career and worldly status
11 social life and friendships
12th limitations and difficulties of karmic

The planets are called in astrology - the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto still a planet. If for example your First House - this is the house, the segment is about to appear on the horizon, showing the presence of one of the planets relate to change or enhance the influence of existing zodiac say, know that the same applies to any home. I following are some examples. For the precise interpretation, please consult your professional astrologer to be satisfied about the effect of each planet's position in any case> Home in the graph.

In the sun ....
Home - outgoing personality tends first sun
Secondly - and more material wealth and happiness (not always the money)
Third - provides a lot of interest for studies to obtain the intellectual power and spiritual
Fourth point - a happy, loving family and home environment in a positive way
Fifth - a very positive energy in physical output and creativity
Sixth - positive impact on health and stamina
Seventh - Luckin partnership and marriage
Eighth - positive plans chances of success and gain health and happiness
Ninth - a great interest in philosophy and deeper spiritual questions
Tenth - an indication of success and social status of the lay
Eleventh - possibly a wide circle of friends and love for social life
Twelfth - the ability to overcome difficulties and to suffer

Moon in ...
First home - a fear or reluctance to show a significantPersonality
Secondly - where many events are often due to the whims
Thirdly - the choice of interest in the humanities in research to understand others
Quarter - a strong attachment to mother and attraction to women in society in general
Fifth - The work environment is a strong emotional and romantic relationship improves
Sixth - the tendency to exaggerate the work and stress of nerve damage
Seventh - reactionary relations in response to others and their emotions
Eight -unusual and emotional problems in relation to the circumstances
Ninth nature - would be sensitive to the unseen influences
possible changes expected in the Tenth work problems
Eleventh Working with people is probably some animal welfare
Twelfth - Problems related to differences in other unexpected

A. Mercury ...
First - classic mercurial temper expect love change and travel
Second-finance in general matters or issues related to travel or involvedPublic Relations
Third - lots of love to travel, physically and mentally
Fourth - the interests of home care, family relationships interesting and good
Fifth recalls - many love stories or centering focus on love itself
Sixth - the nervous system may fear or anxiety, travel or work-related stress suffered
Seventh - good relations with partners, friends and correspondence
Eighth - Caution should be exercised to avoid strengthening the nervous system, mentalRoot
Ninth - shows, travel and useful collaboration with the work of partners
Tenth - good for journalism and the administration on issues of communication
Eleventh points generally good relations with intellectual exchange
Twelfth - Care is needed to offend or criticize others through writing or education

It is not possible at this time, deeper problem, which requires many years of serious study. However, a superficial assessment acts as a starterfor what may have led to interest a long life. Remember, the art of interpretation of the many different factors and influences in the chart of individual recognition or identification of a single ingredient for the development of a unique recipe and make complex are compared.

Focus given to promoting the recognition of your strengths and use your natural talents. Also a matter of respect or attention to extremes to avoid the indicators of possible problemsAstrology can be seen.

Remember that what we consider our chart. Our table at the end of our lives will change not only due to the change of positions of celestial bodies, but is a direct result of our personal commitment and discipline as well as our healthy attitude to love in life and accept its challenges.


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