Pluto in the 12th House

In January 2008, he moved Pluto Sagittarius Capricorn. I was always snapping right into Pluto in the house 12.

What does it mean to have Pluto in the house in 12?

If you do not know how to calculate holiday, here's a quick tip for you. Record 12 characters on a sheet of paper with Ram is the first sign and then so on. Your sign is the first house. Where the sign is likely clockwise to the sign that the hostPlanet of your choice.

So if my character is an Aquarius and Pluto just entered Capricorn, Pluto is transiting my house 12.

When it happened I started reading a lot of articles on the subject. I found this sentence me a shot very misleading. Most astrologers agree that the 12th house is the home of "Doom." In my humble opinion, the correct adverb "should" new ".

For me, Pluto in the 12th house is like a tornadothat goes through my house, raise, put into a large blender and turn on speed. The speed is so high, so that by the end of their merger, the house is no longer retain their original shape and form. Must wait for a batsman to be transformed into another object of his choice will be converted.

I feel that I started to go deep in a wonderful inner journey into my psyche and I reprogrammed. The only draw back ifin general, is not dream big. Pluto in 12th house, it seems I say power to live my life for the highest good and my world to serve in any capacity a.

Guess what? Only in the last week I met a mystery of life, so to speak, and started to help me live a conscious life, a life in my project.

Now it feels to me that my way of giving back, he needs to find what I learned in the world in general. And yes I've already formulated a plan. It is not easyThe people around me, I've known for years to see these dramatic changes in me. But I have to change. I can not live my life the way I had lived in the past.

So, when Pluto is transiting your house 12 do not let the end of the world telling other astrologers, to scare you. This is my personal experience and perhaps might not be with you. However, one can show that you continue to dive into your subconscious mind and taught him all the wonderful things that yourSubconscious is trying to say.

So if Pluto is a planet or a house from 12 transits, it is time for you to learn more from the inside. Tell time to define new paradigms, new ways to new life for you a new dress. In what way or method you choose, get involved, remember the only key, and that is to use what you learn to serve the masses. If you are just for personal gain, people suffer.


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