Robert Emmet, Irish Patriot

Robert Emmet was born in Dublin in 1778 the Protestant hegemony. It 'was strongly influenced by the ideals of the French and the American Revolution and was a member of the Society of United Irishmen. From 1800-1802, Emmet the continent with the United Irish leaders, who were from Ireland after the Rebellion of 1798 in exile.

Emmet has been tested in the Irish delegation to persuade the French, busy with their lawsuit against the British alliesRule. Secured with the promise of aid, Emmet returned to Ireland in 1802 and began to prepare the insurrection and the French landing. However, stores in premature explosion forced one of his arms to advance his plans for rebellion. Emmet could secure the support of rebel Michael Dwyer's and Kildare rebels turned back when they discovered the lack of available weapons. But undaunted, Emmet led a small group of Dublin Castle, but that there was a failure to take increasingnothing more than a grabbed global fight against followers of St. Thomas Emmet reserved by the Lord Chief Justice and the grandson of their car and stabbed to death, and disappointed his followers to behave 'and the realization of what was lost in the mountains Wicklow Emmet escaped.

He came back to be near his beloved Sarah Curran in the city, but was captured. He was convicted and sentenced to death for high treason. Following his conviction was his speech by famousDock, who was among the most influential Republicans in Ireland, was the last line like "Nobody writing my entry tomb for anyone, knows my motives dare hours Aspers defend not allow prejudice or ignorance of them. Let them and me the rest remains empty in darkness and peace and my tomb, and my memory in oblivion until other times and other people can do justice to my character to do. If my place among the nations of the earth land, then and only then, That my grave inscriptionto write. I did. "

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