Lawrence Saudi Crowded House joined in a tour debut his latest CD "Chant Darling"

Debuts are always fascinating, no more arriving stateside this summer's pop-rocker Lawrence Arabia and Crowded House. After reunification in 2006, Neil Finn and his band Crowded House sales have continued to enjoy commercial success both on the guitar street album. Finn and Lawrence Arabia, New Zealand native person, including an affinity for the Beatles and the Rolling Stones and creative songwriting chops, the perfect ingredients for an excitingto display.

Lawrence Arabia is the pseudonym of James Milne, who was looking for a presence of momentum, an identification number that would take him from his car every day. His latest album, "Chant Darling" is proof that his musical personality overflows with imagination and melodies. You can almost gave the feeling of the swell of the waves of the Pacific Ocean in "The Beautiful Young Crew" and "The crew of the Commodore," no wonder his love for the sea.

The album was recorded in more than eighteen monthsStockholm, London, Port Chalmers, Wellington and Auckland. He chose the title for his intrigues and his preference for the combination of things that are completely different. He stressed that the focus of New Zealand (if the title is spoken by a native speaker) adds further interest with the proposed sea chanteys and other things that have a nautical connection. In addition to the mix mystic is his close friendship with a Buddhist. The album was so well received that one of the songs, "Apple Pie Bed," received theApra Silver Scroll Award for best New Zealand song of the year.

Milne laughs when he said that could not give a flat or a Brooklyn accent of South Philadelphia, the title words of the same kind of charm of its own projects accent. Regardless, the songs are awash with the soft melody and relaxed that the Beatles influenced.

The vocals are lush, the band members themselves, Milne on guitar and his drummer, bassist put, trumpeter and keyboard player available. He describesLawrence of Arabia, as a style of pop music of the past. Despite a nod to the artist, grew up listening to his melodies are fresh and bright, the text of a nice balance between the everyday and otherworldly.

He composed usually from outside the studio, often for melodies in his head while on the road. Sometimes an unexpected inspiration is like a different guitar picks. Depending on the guitar, playing what will happen to him is surprising.

Headmits that growing up in New Zealand has influenced his music, because its location makes it a bit 'less concerned about what is happening in the world. He is real strength in their isolation, relaxation and removes any pressure to conform. On the other hand, the distance of a long native sailing to and around occasionally.

Milne was invited to a career in music by his father, who once played in a band to follow. Along the way he made friendsrecognized his talent and gave him the confidence to believe themselves. Now that you are taking a tour, Lawrence Arabia in the U.S. and Canada, is looking forward to new fans, who put on his style and eager to follow its development over the next ten years.

"We have thousands of people play on this tour, ninety percent, we have never heard before," he says. "If, like us, we have nothing to lose."

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