Toll Ka Khazan Aahat by TV series by Sony Entertainment Television

Last episode of tolls introduced Aahat Ka Khazan. The Horror Show introduces a new kind of fear and the dark side of evil. The episode carries with two friends on the road day and night for a treasure. You are on a path on the road in search of a treasure, but every time I reach the same site. Today I met a man who is afraid of the guardian of the jungle. Ask for directions.

Watchman is preparing to tell the location of the treasure. He gives someProposals for them. You have to be afraid to enter the track. They are always different, they turn to be killed.

Take a path that is suggested by the fear of man. The route goes from a cave. The track was very frightened. The route is about a treasure. The treasure is not paying Ka Khazan. And 'Ka Khazan toll in Aahat on Sony Entertainment Television. Before reaching the Khazan, return. Finally, even the spirits, like the other people killedhad tried to reach him.

Well, Sunil's Friend Manish reached his house and his father speaks. He asks for Sunil. The father tells the journey of Sunil. Now, Maisha tries to steal the path of Khazan and will succeed.

On the other hand is a task to a friend Durjan Raghav Aahat in the TV series. Now they had their way in a toll Ka Khazan Aahat on Sony TV monitor.

When they leave the house Durjan may pose a problem with his car. HardRaghav strikes Damini and follow the toll Ka Khazan. Raghav Damini and depart for their task. Harsh tries to repair his car. Suddenly, he sees Mallika, the twin sister of Damini was. Harsh kills of their power.

On the other hand, Manish is up to the mark-Ka Khazan successfully and asks for more money and is a rich man. On the second occasion, he wants to kill Pratik and Salina. to satisfy his desires and his enemies are killed.

Finally, he asks for deathDamini and Raghav. There was something for every desire that the unknown I was paying for it.

Manish suddenly sees the ghost behind the wife. Runs way to save it. He wanted his desire back. In the process he is killed by the Spirit. The death of Manish was requested by his wife Anjali them.

Now the day of Anjali is back. Your friend is easy for her but also her desire for something that was not paying that to its knowledge. Toll Ka Khazan Aahat in a new kind of spirit andTreasure.

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