Little Johnny Jokes - The Ultimate Collection Classic

Little Johnny jokes are by far the leader in entertainment around friends .. Lets concentrate on the classic Little Johnny, without being rude! What little Johnny so famous? "Little Johnny is to dig a little boy who liked to make hard questions and has a very simple thought:" Well, you can discover ....

Little Johnny

Visit his father -

Little Johnny was planning a visit to his father, decides to most of his stuff in his red boxCar.

He was the father walking to his house with his car behind him when he came to this hill.

When he saw the hill, out of frustration, was constantly swearing "This God damn car is so heavy"

The priest's on one of Johnny and approached him. "You're cursed," said the priest. "The presence of God is everywhere, you should know."

Then Little Johnny says, "Oh, he's in my car"

The priest replies: "Yes, Johnny God is in your cart, hasavailable everywhere "

Little Johnny says, "Now please tell him to go out and start pulling"

Little Johnny's mother visit -

Bright summer day Little Johnny came running into the house and asked his mother: "Mom, it's true the girls have babies?" "Of course not, my son," said his mother.

Johnny excitedly ran back outside and his mother heard him yell to his friends: "Everything is fine, if we can play the game again!"

Little Johnny's IQ Test-

recent survey shows, and you will be surprised that Little Johnny's IQ, that the right to a full 112 ° Now, as a graduate student at the University is classified. So we decided to compare IQ.

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