The Story Horseshoe's

Among the many things that symbolize good fortune or luck, the horseshoe is probably one of the most famous symbols. The lucky horseshoe is fairly common in North America and Europe. It is believed that there is no sign of better luck you might find your way as a horseshoe with the open space facing socket. In North America and Great Britain, Italy, Germany and Scandinavian countries, can be seen hanging doors, walls, houses, barns and stables.Today can be seen not only on the doors, but on postcards, posters, key rings, and the people with their fingers, hanging from their necks, and hanging ears.

The tradition of putting shoes on the walls is not a modern idea. It had hung on the walls, from the time of the Greeks and Romans. But the real reason they were hanging on the walls - in fact nobody can say definitively. And if the similarity between the shape of a horseshoe and the Greek letter omegano real meaning, no one can really say. All theories to the present moment, we can say nothing more than a few "maybe it might be."

Some of the shoes were put on base with seven nails. The number seven is associated with luck and happiness. There are two ways to hang the horseshoe. Some are "up" with the conviction that collective happiness. Some are "down" saying that "happiness shower upon you."

AWhat is certain is that people associate with the lucky horseshoe. And although it was initially believed that the shoe must be found within the same person, horseshoe-shaped products can now be seen on the market in different shapes and different materials. And people do not buy, and rely on what they are for the small fortune that come their way. I think nobody will really mind running a little 'luck around the corner.

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