Understanding of the history of opera

Opera is part of the tradition of Western classical music. This is a classic form of entertainment, with a musical accompaniment for orchestra and theater singer, the voice of their project with a distinctive classical method. Actors must be the multiple talents, trained in singing and stage craft, such as theater and dance. Typically, opera productions have often been used by kings and nobles to make an impressive show of wealth. This work is usuallyput in place, accompanied by a large orchestra.

Opera began in Italy in the late 16th century and soon spread to the rest of Europe. It was invented by a group of people wanted in the wealthy city-state of Florence, the Greek drama reproduce. This new style of theater led her way into the society of a higher category in Europe, in which they were written, began to be sung to the accompaniment specifically surface.

In the history of opera,Opera seria was the most prestigious Italian opera. Mozart, who began his adventure with the serious work to maintain its popularity, but for his Italian comic operas, including "The Marriage of Figaro" and "Don Giovanni". The origin of music with their instruments in the original greek comedy was played pretty simple. Renaissance times, the instruments were quite different in richer musical accompaniment. Today, with the inventions of modern music and progressiveTools has improved significantly in the music of today's society.

Claudio Monteverdi, one of the fathers of opera and their works continue to be the decision was made early to brief appearances in his works, which appeal to a wider audience to add. And today has become a popular form of theatrical entertainment for the above-middle class society, particularly the western regions.

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