The Hawthorn Puzzle

(The Hawthorn mystery) in the Custom House of Salem (MA), Nathaniel Hawthorn while working on his book, "The Scarlet Letter" between 1849-1850, during which he signed all in red. In the following months, when writing his novel, wrote a mystery, perhaps because the book was frustrated with the Custom House people who he would call lazy ITS in the second edition of "The Scarlet Letter," which was published on 30 - days later, in a block of 2,500 pounds, the sameAmount of the First Edition.

He hid it in a bag of skin under the wooden floor of the Custom House, asking that they would find. But no one, but in 1957, it appeared, and on the cover of the puzzle of the kind, or puzzles, wrote "for the seeker of this bag of skin, I leave this game (worth, and perhaps it finder could respecting some of them) because I'm bored with the Custom House people, as lazy as I am, I find it frightening. IfThey put the pieces together this game, you know how I feel. "

Now, the second sheet of paper (both rolled up) the riddle on her. It was found in 1957, and shortly after was missed again.

It 'was found in January 2007, deep in the basement of the' University of Minnesota. As it was still under discussion, but I was lucky enough to get microfiche. We leave all details of this acquisition, this letter called on the nature andget through the official letter that was how I found the Mystery Hawthorn:

The Enigma

If this skin

And solve their nodes Leather

(E 'belonged to me)

What would be unlocked?



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