Michael Douglas Astrology Analysis

Michael Douglas (born September 25, 1944, 10:30 in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA) is an ascending scale with different degrees to 22 degrees and 14 minutes of Vedic astrology. Michael Douglas is a cancer of the neck. He will undergo eight weeks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, he and his doctors expect a full recovery. Before the devastating news her son Cameron Douglas, came in April this year when a judge Cameron Douglas on charges of drugs was sentenced to fiveYears in prison. Michael Douglas now has a tumor in the neck, and these unfortunate events have happened in the life of Michael Douglas' if you go through chart Jupiter and Saturn Mahadasha Bhukti in its Vedic astrology.

In Douglas' case, Michael, the third house of Jupiter, the disease is neck and House Rules 5th (the eldest son, the entertainment world, the ability to fight), and Jupiter in tenth house in Leo sign in close connection with the Planet BadhakaMercury, and is in eighth Lord (surgery, accident) Venus Nakshatra. The two are Jupiter and Mercury in the house look bad by the third aspect of Saturn 8. He is currently passing through Jupiter Saturn Mahadasha Bhukti, and Venus Antharia when the news was about his audience with throat cancer. Jupiter transit is strongly aspect of this year transit of Saturn and Saturn is a planet, which plays an important role in cancer and the cancer disease. So the misery of the transit of JupiterTransit Saturn, while Jupiter and Saturn Mahadasha Bhukti played an important role in the unfortunate results for the third house issues tumor (neck) and the 5 th house (the son in prison) as a third house, Jupiter, and the house rules 5 ° Michael Douglas astrology chart.

Another thing I saw Michael Douglas in "astrology-chart, which had two major planet Mars and Sun in 11th house in its own Nakshatras. Mars rulesHouse (money, her voice) and 7th house (marriage, partnership) and the Sun rules the 10th house of career second. In 1980, Michael Douglas had a skiing accident, which was his career for three years to a halt, while Saturn in Virgo transit signs for three years for his Natal Natal Mars and so now after 30 years transit, Saturn is the very nature of his maiden table. Coming years will be a very delicate moment for Michael Douglas as Saturn Saturn is in BhuktiTransit of his Natal Mars, his money, voice, and marriage, and Natal Sun, which rules his rules career. These areas of his life will be affected in future years. The Jupiter / Mercury period from October 2011 to February 2014 is another very delicate phase as Mercury, the planet Badhaka and is working closely with the Lord mahadasha Jupiter. Even the transit of Saturn to float on the position of the Natal Ascendant Lord Venus in the sign Libra. The saving grace is that Jupiter rulesfifth house should give Michael Douglas strong healing ability to fight cervical cancer.

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