Mark Twain House and Museum

The famous "Mark Twain House and Museum, where he was famous American humorist and author Mark Twain lived 1874-1891. Due to bad financial investments, Twain and his family to Europe in 1891. In 1900, when he returned to Connecticut, he lived in Redding. It 'been here, like Mark Twain died in 1910. Mark Twain House and Museum is the United States in Hartford, Connecticut.

Mark Twain house was used as a residence and the school library. In 1962,The house has been "declared a National Historic Landmark since 1974 and was renovated and enlarged to show the life and work of Mark Twain.

The house has 19 rooms and the architecture is Victorian Gothic. This house is also Mark Twain wrote Huckleberry his masterpieces The Golden Age, Life on the Mississippi, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, a tramp abroad, the Prince and the Pauper, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, andFinn.

The design of Mark Twain has been done by the architect Edward Tuckerman Potter. Built on 3.5 acres, the house had seven bedrooms and bathrooms, planted conservatory and carriage house. The bay window extends all the way up the towers, which were then arches are crowned. Thus, the Mark Twain and guests can take a look at the pastoral area of Hartford. Legend has it that Mark Twain House was designed to be viewed as it was a boatpenetrated in a typical pitched roof, big windows and asymmetrical Victorian Gothic style.

The top floor was a billiard room and private study. This was Twain wrote late at night. It is said that this room was off-limits to all but the cleaners. This room was also used to mark the brandy and cigars to entertain men.

Twain children also had a separate area for themselves. This area was a class room, game room and nursery. L 'The daughters were taught by Mrs. Clemens in the second floor. Twain and her children were playing in the conservatory. It is said that Twain claimed to be an elephant.

Twain amava la vita nella sua casa. Uno dei motivi era che molti del suo amico-autore del quartiere, vale a dire Isabella Beechar Hooker e Harriet Beecher Stowe vissuto.

In 1881 the house was renovated in 1881, when adjacent strip of land was purchased. It is believed that he was inspired to rebuild theThe success of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." During the renovation, the kitchen has been renovated and its size was doubled, the lobby was enlarged and the entrance has been redesigned. In addition, the alarm system, heating and plumbing was installed. Twain was also a fan of new technologies and has also previously installed telephone input.

After his return from Europe and the death of his daughter Suzy, the house was sold in 1903, Richard M. Bissell a. Then it's back to 1922 and 1929 sold.In 1955 and 1974, restoration, when House began. E 'was opened as a museum in 1960. To date, Twain House and Museum attracts many tourists to Marco. It is said that five million dollars are generated in tourism. Currently the house is allegedly in financial difficulties.


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