Wildebeest Migration - How to get the best seats in the house

As a wildebeest migration safari you need to know where the best places along the route are the times that you must be in some areas and that the best migration safari companies.

The best spot on the track

Have you ever seen the documentaries that show masses of wildebeest wildlife swimming across a river and sometimes shaded by huge crocodiles or drowning under, because the crowd and make the effort?

Ethe wildebeest, the obstacle course at times fail ultimately because the bank is too steep and slippery with mud for them to reach the summit, though they struggle to make to do this.

All this is part of the incredible migration of wildebeests that part of each year in the Serengeti and Masai Mara Game Reserve in East Africa.

The best places to watch a show like that described above the Grumeti River in the western corridor of the Serengetibecause this is the first major river is the hordes of wildebeest in their search for fresh pastures in the north to cross.

And wait for the huge crocodiles ...

to cross the river, the second and last great, Which they need before they get to the Masai Mara Game Reserve, the Mara and it is also an excellent starting point from which to watch the drama play out.

But one thing that few know is that there is another part of the migration of wildebeest, the incredible,the actual migration to the north.

And this is the birth year of about 400,000 calves, all of wildebeests in about three weeks earlier this year.

This is also a wonderful and the best place to live this is the southern Serengeti in February. They are also expected to see most of predators such as lions, hyenas, leopards and cheetahs take advantage of Food Bonanza.

Timing is everything related to the migration of wildebeests

So how is it possible for one millionGnu, simply disappear?

This is a question that can fairly often by people who go to the Serengeti, get to see the migration, but the timing wrong and then it will not be asked to see the huge herds.

The answer is that the millions of wildebeest are still there, but are spread over a vast area of plains of the Serengeti, it seems like there are fewer of them, because they are not ready for the trip is to mass north.

So how can you ensure that the timingright?

It 'very difficult to predict when the migration experience, because everything depends on the rain. And the rain comes at different times every year, But you can make a rough estimate based on past events when you are in the central Serengeti in April and May begin to see how Should They Move Towards the northwest Grumeti controlled area.

In June, he challenges his death is given to swim across the Grumeti River and soon after in August you willFord to reach the Mara River in the north to support the life of pastures Masia Mara in Kenya.

In November-December, the tour begins in the south to the plains of the Serengeti to go back to the grass that has grown to use in the meantime.

Top wildebeest migration safari companies

A very important decision is required if you want to experience the wildebeest migration refers to the successful company you choose Safari GuideYou.

It 'very easy to confuse because there are many players in the market.

Make sure they are a reputable company to get advice from previous travelers, who travel on safari in the Serengeti wildebeest migration of them were reported.

You can also use their membership in various associations Safari - Kato - Kenya Association of Tour Operators, TATO - Tanzania Association of Tour Operators and Atta - African Travel and TourismAssociation.

And finally, make sure that they provide satisfactory answers to your questions about their payment, cancellation and refund and what itenirary be exact.

Choosing the wrong company for your safari wildebeest migration can be devastating.

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