A good thing, however, evil!

A few weeks ago I took the afternoon to go to Niagara Falls with my family and my brother-in for a visit here with his wife and young son, and tell the truth I did not remember clearly the configuration at this point. The last time I was there in two thousand and five when my family was visiting, and yes, I remember, beautiful blue waters are powerful for hundreds of meters, causing a great cloud and a fog impressive. RememberSmallness, the unimportance of our lives, considering the light of this great wonder of this magnificent body of water, running away from and support in a huge roar, remember the thunderous noise as this huge, huge splash in the rock mass the bed of the stream.

When my wife told me she wanted to go to Niagara, I do not doubt for a minute to look at this case makes the beauty of God's creation, andImmensity of his power, and the wonderful gift he gave us, because we can touch and taste the greatness of his infinite power, as we see how small we are and what we depend on it.

How did we get in town I remembered something else, something I had behind me away, and when we walked on the sidewalk looking at the settings and the noise and the sea of people rushing to a part of this chaos, I felt a pressure terrible in my heart and a great sadness when I came back to methe painful realization that there is no salvation for the world that celebrate the people and party and get married and be a Lord's day should be lost and go on forever.

I understand there is much to do and so little time to save many souls, and then many others who do not want to be saved.

The beauty of the falls was stolen from trade and corruption and immorality and idolatry and lust. It 's a total madness, madnessthe worst sort, the conversation is sold to the world. We went from a cheap thrill after another, gambling dens, houses of horror, the houses of idolatry, brothels, and everything is to spend carefully setup you buy will attempt to, in making us in this sea of disgusting perversion, and everything is driven by greed and greed for money, and visitors are crazy and does not recognize them, they sold a hugeCharade, and his eyes shine with desire, we do, we do, we want to stay here, go there to buy, and go have fun and get drunk and let us know. .. O God, your creation is crazy!

The whole idea of coming to the waterfalls, the beauty of this magnificent wonder is, not what drives people to the falls, or is not the main reason for this Fall, in fact, many people do not even hike to waterfalls, or simply in a hurrySidewalk on the edge of the river on which a quick look before they returned to her, because they are busy visiting the "Entertainment-houses" or shopping for unnecessary things at exorbitant prices, which during the day to be thrown in the trash few or placed on a corner, as dust collectors. Or worse, are seated on a bar to get drunk, or walking into a brothel looking for satisfaction dirty.

I could not help but Sodom andGomorrah as my eyes scanned through the area. And I felt sadness, great sadness and great sorrow to the point that other churches what has happened to me. But there's nothing we can hear, but sorry, as you can see that the world learns the truth, but not to hear. As we can see that life is for the time and now the only satisfaction that controls the human race today is instant gratification, the engine, the soul of those who move are lost.

Our thoughtsThe models were trained to live the first minute, take advantage of the moment is the slogan of the time, I work hard so they deserve to have fun, not knowing that what they call fun, is not fun, but not the sin, suggesting that, as sheep his house, which led to the slaughter.

I know many of you think of me as a square or a fanatic, like this article because many of you see nothing "fun" and I have not read, I think, healthy fun is good for the body and the ' soul and GodEncouraged by his words for us to enjoy our lives, but there is a big difference between fun and immoral and indecent acts or drunkenness or lust or idolatry.

I wish there was something else I could say, is ask God's forgiveness for them, not to say that I'm so sorry, Lord, I am blind and deaf Don and like what you say. Please Lord, have mercy on them.

I'm sorry I can not even be a wordRath, because when I went to the streets, I saw how disgusting is that the central attraction in this area.

But if you're one of those bizarre receiving this type of entertainment to look deep into your heart and wonder if this is healthy for both mind and soul.

And if your answer is yes, then you have your way.

But if there is even a hint of doubt, before answering, then seek guidance from God to ask him to show a better way, I canI assure you, you will be surprised.

The Lord bless you all, and he can show you a better way.

Rev. José A. Moon
A servant of Jesus Christ


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