House numbers and numerology

I am often asked "How does numerology relate to your address?"

Pythagoras understood that the figures a "value" as a set and Thus the large number in your life, as from the date of birth are key to the understanding of your inner qualities.

The number of your home is important to you, because you have chosen, so it is not so impressive ITS energy value, but which resonate with the same propertiesin you. are in a family house there is no doubt a mixture of personality and energy of all who live in it. However, there is usually a person who exercises his energetic presence in all seats and there is no overlap of these characteristics and the energy of all unusual family.

The basics of numerology.

The numbers are greater than 9 reduced their first single form the whole "investigation". For example, the number decreased to 35making three digits and 5-8 together. So a number 8 (or 17 or 26 or 35, etc.). Do the same basic energy. "

In this case, the number 8 is equivalent to the control of your life, assertive, good with finances, but also points to a dominant or controlling nature, where the energy is more negative than positive. People living in the house could be affected in this way and take a positive or negative aspects of thisEnergy.

This is not the complete picture because the individual numbers that make up the numbers in our example, 3 and 5) Have also influence (and thus the vibration is 8 clock slightly modified for five, energy and the energy of the three.

The first three numbers will be more prominent and can be funny or related activities with the mind, or perhaps it means that the dominant or controlling person in the house is also controversial add! The 5 is also aTravel component to it and both stress the freedom and good vibes where they lived, or vice versa, someone might feel trapped and oppressed, when one person is dominant.

Where an equal number of 222 the number is repeated, at home, this will highlight the impact of two others. In this case the number is reduced to 6 the importance of family and home in this house, and creativity. Triple-2 is the emphasis on sensitivity andAwareness of the environment at home. On a downside, this could indicate emotional turmoil or hypersensitivity.

House number a name can be reduced and therefore the numerological "value" determined. This is to convert each letter in a number to be done in the following table. Then, A = 1, B = 2 and so on.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Thenresulting numbers are added together and reduced to single digits. For example, the name "DUNROMIN" would be the 45th with 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 9 + 9 + 4 + 5 = This can be further reduced number 9 (ie 4 + 5 = 9). So the numerological value of 'DUNROMIN' is 9, shows the complete and final. Interestingly, the choice of the name that residents have completed their journey and that means you are up to their final home.

The following table lists thegeneral meanings that are associated with each number. There is a positive and a negative side of every issue can, for example, specify a second, sensitivity and awareness of the feelings of others, but can also mean the use of other emotions and sensitivities surrounding it.

1 - Independence, strong-minded, selfish, selfishness

2 - Sensitivity, work in harmony with others, emotional, hypersensitive, sensitive

3 - Funny, funny, mental agility, polemical, anxiety, stress

4 -Organized, structured, obsessive, nit-picking, dogmatic

5 - Freedom, expansion, feeling trapped, concentrated

6 - Home loving, creative, possessive and members, jealous

7 - teaching, learning, difficulties, challenges

8 - power, control, assertive, financial acumen, control, arrogant, greedy

9 - Completion, responsibility, caring, humanitarian, as well as protective, claustrophobic, over-analytical

How important is your life?

its total energy is a person rather than the influence of a particular house and the other inhabitants of the house is generally a factor in the equation, how they interact with them all. So there is some meaning for a while studying the numerological value of the house where you live, your personal energy is much more important and far outweigh the influence of the house.

However, when the choice is unavailable, as when namingHome, and understanding of the principles of numerology can help you choose a name that matches your personality and your goals in life. The same is true if you live there are always counted in the house, then this could be a hidden motive, and that is your choice affects numerology can help you get to the root.

For more information about numerology is on my website.

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