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Twelfth House

The first eight houses of the horoscope shows sukham ikaloka or the pleasures of the world. The last four houses show para sadhanam Loka or mental well-being. The last four houses are Kamaand as Dharma, Artha, Moksha known. The twelfth house rules the final emancipation of the chain of birth and death and its fusion with the cosmic soul for Divine Worship and the state of his future existence. TwelfthHouse shows the state of loss and the obstacles and moderation, waste and waste costs exceeding the income limit and deception and fatigue.

The property houses the sixth, eighth and twelfth are ancient astrologers as sthanas dus indicative of evil is called. No house can not be said to be bad or corrupted and can also be said of the twelfth to the House as. Each house maintains its domination over variousBusiness and was impressed when no one can expect that the issues raised by them to be fully manifested. The results are experienced when the native short period of time or under the planet, infesting the house. Work after the expiration period of sub planet or economic, there are no obstacles.

Characteristics of the Twelfth House

The twelfth house at a loss, expenses, purchases, philanthropic organizations and charities with the institutions. You canTherefore, the purchase of costly stones, if the planet has not connected nothing to do with the second home, or travel expenses associated with short and concise and written publications or, if the third house is involved. The native may invest the money he landed the part with respect to travel or put it in real estate. It may also be connected to choose to purchase a vehicle, if the house is.

The person may be forced to spend his money from his mother for a long whileTravelling distance. The Twelfth House is allowed to speculate on it to have lost, or insurance for marriage or education of his children. These are the different sources through which they can spend. If you borrowed the money, the twelfth house shows then the loan repayment. The house is the costs for individuals in a variety of ways.

The suffering and sin, or segregation and the barriers that a person is, together with poverty and misery are classifiedunder the influence of the twelfth house. The person may also address issues of persecution, imprisonment and conspiracy. House Rules secret work of the Spirit and other matters of luck. It is fear, anxiety, inferiority, doubt, suspicion, and others. This is the home of solitude, the secret, silent suffering and self-destruction.

The Sixth House is focused on service or regular help, because while, for otherstwelfth, the service down, the man was SIS. The twelfth house shows life in a foreign country or a change of location or a major overhaul of the environment or the environment of the native.

The house derives its foot. It also means that the money of the substance or more brothers or friends or the permanent possession of his father. E 'disappointing for the children, the illness of a spouse, legal proceedings and called the popularity andCareer brother or sister.

Influence of planets in the twelfth house

The effect of Neptuneon Twelfth House is a mystery, secret, mediumship, psychic and occult research studies. Therefore the good properties of the twelfth house Neptuneon lead to success, especially when they are conducted in secret. The native and is working on a detective job to be carried out in isolation. Of AfflictionNeptunewill cause of birth in a hospital or asylum for chronic illnesses such as madness.

Uranusinfluences the success of local affairs by the occult and the invention of chemical processes that remain a mystery promoted, despite being on the planet. Affliction of Uranus show the danger, animals, accidents, accidents, and the shame of mental or occult sources. They also face suddenly strange or enmities. The person is tempted by vicious actionseccentric people.

Saturnis of islands known as the planet and if it is positive, the planet is to the success in the solitude and rest and point arduous profession. If Saturn is in possession of the strength of character or attitude, the planet means that self-inflicted. The situation shows that the enemies will be secret at work, ensure the destruction of the natives. Saturn stands for moderation and restraint and, therefore, the native would rather work in secret.

L 'Position of Mars in the twelfth house guarantees the dignity of the mother and the person makes a good administrator or an administrator of a public body. Mars is usually responsible for the emergence of serious problems with impulse, betrayal, loss of reliability, or reputation by enemies out of place. If Mars is a planet visited in the twelfth house, it can lead to violence, fighting enemies in a fight, and the risk of injuries caused by animals.

The appearance of good natureVenus in the twelfth house contributes to success in occupations that are used in the chemical laboratory with prisons, hospitals and charitable institutions or the work of one. You can benefit from the work of professions dark and prone to study the secret arts or practice to the study of the occult. If Neptune, Uranus, Venus or suffering, the person may have strange stories of love and may end in divorce.

If Mercury in the twelfth house, there arethe native spirit is dedicated to the secrets and success in meeting the chemical research and the occult. The native may be suitable for investigative work. Mercury has influenced the advertising and the twelfth house shows the boundaries and, therefore, the native will be seen playing out best for things you do. Mercury is a planet and has the intellectual depth, the native of the option in detail the issues that are trivial or unnecessaryothers.

positive and dignified Sun well in the twelfth house increases the success of the individual in the occult and psychic matters and are rarely native tastes and preferences. If afflicted, it shows only enmity of influential people, separation from his clan and imprisonment in remote locations. The Sun is also known as dhanwantari and working in hospitals for this reason is given. It 's a sign of sympathy and sacrifice to defeat the enemies.

The moon is the rulerthe public, but its presence in the house of seclusion makes it ideal for native execution of work in prisons and hospitals. This is possible when the moon is good. The volatile, unpredictable and emotional Moon makes the native working in romantic relationships, but retain the favorable aspects, the native of the secrets for themselves. moon concerned means restrictions, obstacles, fears, etc. imaginative

Expressions assigned to the TwelfthBhava

Anthyabha - last house
Lopasthana - House of death
Bandha - Bondage
Vigama Vyaya - loss or denial
Sayan - bed
Papa - sin
Daridrya - hardship or poverty
Suchala - History of the bearer, slanderer again
Vama Nayana - left eye
Anghri - Leg

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