Arrange the furniture of a house

What follows is an overview of how your living room, bedroom, dining room and lies to children and kitchen furniture that lets family:

Furniture in the living room. This is the first room you see when you or a visitor to your home. It 's also a place where your family and guests can relax and meet. First, create a plan and decide on the focus, the entertainment center, a large window, or fireplace. Place the cabinetaround him. Make sure your furniture to complement your focal point.

Bedroom furniture. This is a place of comfort and relaxation. Start the wall against which you place the bed. Arrange the furniture in others, such as tables, lamps, shelves and drawers on both sides of the bed, a room balanced.

Dining rooms. This room is a place to sit, eat and socialize. Putting into consideration the space you have. Arrange the furniture sothat allows anyone to push her chair back and move comfortably without knocking the adjacent units.
Avoid unnecessary congestion on the dining table in particular.

Children and Youth Furniture book author. Perhaps the most important place in the lives of children kid. It 's a place to sleep, learning and nurture dreams. Make sure your child fully participates in the organization of their rooms. Children are not a lot of fun surprises. Consider a file cabinet near their studydesk tidy and accessible storage, wardrobe.

Kitchen cabinets. Many times, the provision of kitchen furniture is not very important. To organize the kitchen begins by looking at a couple of days to your life style and the pieces that you use most often notice, put it on the next. Make sure that accessories such as free bakers racks, kitchen carts, kitchen stools, portable storage space are balanced right in the room.

BathroomsFurniture. The modern bathroom is so extensive in-thing you need to ensure that sufficient space for the pieces of bathroom furniture such as benches, cabinets, chests of drawers or chairs. Avoid large pieces of furniture in order to make the room feel clumsy and congested.

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