The High-Tech-House

So, looking around really great opportunity that is not enforced? Look no further than the home of high technology.

Yes, I know, computer and consumer electronics leading companies are investing billions of dollars in the market for all pumping entertainment content via fat pipes in and around your home. And no doubt this is still a very big market that eventually will be huge. But that's not what I'm talking about. I think it's even more, but moresecular opportunities for enterprise software, semiconductors and electronics, which largely ignored.

This new concept has been played and talked, in theory, a general form of futurist speaker at trade shows and the TV sound for many years. In this sense, is not really new. But little has changed in terms of real investment in business and product development has been done to attack this potentially huge market. So, what am I talking about? Do you remember moreYears ago, laughing all the Internet Toaster?

We call this the market for Internet refrigerator.

What is so interesting in this new market potential in comparison to the possibility of home entertainment that almost all technology companies are already hunting the monster? Well, of course, is the first interesting thing is that not everyone still hunting! As far as I can tell are very few. The second thing that pops up when you are on the market potentialshould be an interesting return for the customer are available. This is something that the entertainment area will be able to say never - it's sexy, funny, high-profile - but we buy the portfolio pay a portion of the already stretched consumer discretionary. Third, all the necessary technology is already there. In the recent study on broadband this year, Nielsen / Netratings found that 56% of U.S. households now connected to the Internet via a broadband connectionName. All over the world for nearly two thirds of the broadband Internet. The world of broadband has arrived, and it's time to start using it for something other than just surfing the World Wide Web And finally, this approach results in significant benefits in the U.S. and world economy travel expenses of some of the tasks labor-intensive and inefficient in modern Western society. Yes, I said substantial economic benefits. Curious yet? Read on!

I propose that allmajor systems and appliances in our homes are high-tech and Internet-enabled with our home network. We see the benefits of this approach is an example of our Internet refrigerator.

The problem

This example is a group of similar experiences I've had many times since I reached adulthood. She is at home full-time in a job that you drive 15-45 minutes away by your employees. If you are married, your spouse is also likely that similar jobs in those days. ALarge appliances like the refrigerator breaks - and, of course, is out of warranty (I mean!). You can call the store you originally purchased the unit, or if you're the thrifty type, shop around for lower cost are an independent service provider. What happens next? Most frustrating if my experience is typical.

First of all, no one can do it on a service call for three days (there's a reason - they are highly inefficientEnterprise). They do not even know what's wrong with your refrigerator, and among other things - the food is starting to rot. In addition to the service of three days, no one will give you a real specific "appointment" in those days. They usually give you the dreaded "4-hour window" date. Oh, and incidentally, there is a minimum charge of $ 65 to return to your home only. There are no guarantees, no refund, even if not to solve them. But what can you do? It is hard to swallow, eat for the next 3 dayswaiting (at additional cost to your budget and life) and for the appointment.

The day of the appointment finally arrives and you go home to your window of 4 hours, much to the dismay your boss. Four hours come and go, and, of course, no one appears. It's called the service company and, as always, "I'm late." (This is why these utilities are inefficient in such demand that they do not need to have a customer orientation and use very little technology to optimizeactivities). So do not wait another hour for them to arrive, and then another hour to diagnose the problem. Practically the entire day of work, productivity shot - I hope it will not be getting paid by the hour! But it is even better. A diagnosis of the problem, the mechanic says, "is $ 200 for the part and $ 150 for the labor market -.. Unfortunately I have no part in the truck I'll have to order it" Great! Now we are planning another date with a 4-hour window -Get the drill at this point. It 'pretty ugly. In this modern world who came there, to make sense. And I think there is.

The solution

What happens if the cooling was instrumented and equipped with a low-cost microcontroller, embedded Web server software and wireless Ethernet or Wi-Fi? Now, especially with all the families of broadband online, you can change this important service for improving productivity sapping do a fire drill.

The first thing you would do in this new scenario isCall your preferred supplier of services and describe the problem. After them access to the refrigerator IP address with the "Home Network Console" software on your PC, the service would be a diagnostic software program on your refrigerator. With a little 'luck could diagnose the problem there. Perhaps all that is necessary, a small controller tuning device that can be done remotely or from you, and only a small service fee is due. Although there is a defective part,The service provider could check their stock of spare parts at once and the role it is exhausted. Only when the part is available, a service truck for a quick installation was to be shipped.

Consider how much time will be saved for technical service. Or how much gas, less trucks on the road, saved, not to mention productivity expected from the customer unhappy home again. The service would be much more efficient in order to provide better service tolower prices, less Techs. Customers would have affected productivity and further its work. And I think the first appliance manufacturer to offer this option would be a great advantage and the ability to quickly gain market share while their label as "advanced" are. This option applies to almost every capital in the purchase of home refrigerators, washing machines and dryers, home entertainment, furnaces, air conditioners, ovens, dishwashers,etc.

Some of you may think that sounds good, but it is too futuristic and unrealistic. But as I said, all the necessary technology exists today said. If you think this idea is really just an extension of the software in most modern computers, monitoring and fault diagnosis can remotely installed by an IT professional. And the campaign for the acceptance of this concept could shoulder huge investment companies are entering the fun andcommunications products / services on broadband lines that are already underway.

Who and when?

So why this has not happened yet? Why this is ignored, while all you Dukes on home entertainment? 'S hard to say because it may well be the proverbial "next big thing .. But once again, is not very sexy. And the equipment manufacturers are not companies technology, and are therefore not "innovative or adopting new technologies very quickly. But this ishappen, is simply too great. It 's just a matter of time. So what is it? Perhaps it is a smaller device manufacturers to compete must be a limit, and is agile and more willing to innovate and take risks. Or they might occur when a network / systems management software company looking for a way to grow, it defines the basic skills of the B2B B2C expand leading equipment manufacturer with market-ready software. Or the embedded software and silicon companysees the possibility of microcontroller or embedded Web server to expand the industrial world, the huge consumer market.

When will this happen? I do not know. I was expecting full now. But sometimes great ideas are beginning to slow. With this I believe it's just a matter of time. Your company will be to take advantage?


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