Coffee House Poet (a poem)

(Posted in the Coffee House)

Here is where I meet my friends,

long talks, looks,

can not remember all their names -

(All the time) my cup of coffee often jump

when they come through, breaking the

When my concentration ....

Women want to borrow chairs - often

at my table, I am a regular here -;

every day to night, from three to almost

Midnight ... Writing, reading, drawing,

is what I do, I am aPoet.

Three friends of the U of M professor;

and John, poet and friend, and

Then there's Papa Bear, he worked at

The airlines in question, "North West" is

exit the business

And then there are geniuses can eroticism;

and Kathy, she is a fan of Faulkner and

Royce, a lawyer, had no choice,

and Matthew, he is a songwriter and


And then there's Janet, who loves

Word of God, and Michelle, maythe

It also reads, and there is Cindy W., a poet

Who loves' Plath, "and Gary and Sue, a

Lovers too, and me, a simple poet.

I learned a lot from my friends

The Coffee House, B & N

Roseville - and we all love to inhale

the smell of coffee, books and conversations;

I think fate brought us here, Amen!

Dedicated to my friends at the cafe, # 1257 03/02/2006 revised 05/02/2006

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