Entertainment and fashion

The entertainment industry and the fashion world for centuries have been linked, if not thousands of years. But what probably began as a theater has always dressed for entertainment has grown in each others fortunes of the fashion show and fashion drive unit. TV shows, movies and music are not taken only for the most creative, have outlets for fashion so that fashion, and in some cases, thedriving force behind the "creative" fun.

Obviously one of the milestones in the evolution of this semi-symbiotic relationship has been the introduction of the star. on the red carpet at award ceremonies, premieres and previews movie theater in the latest couture dresses and tailored suits Stepping design means that all sectors of the stars of the show are now for the delivery of lines of fashion, the massMedia.

It would be the case, a significant oversight to assume that this implies that the stars and their last day less than saints, celebrities are just dolls and models for the highest offer house design, although this in part. The reality is that the relationship is much more complicated than that, depending on the value of the stars or celebrities. A-list stars and celebrities may be able to freely choose their own fashion, to directly influence whatPopular in chain stores and fashion runways.

Now, more than ever, and star of the show business celebrities are still coming in to designing their own clothing ranges, with an even more direct influence on fashion. Singers and actresses have their own clothing lines, but the less obvious areas such as rap and rock music has also succumbed to the temptation of fashion design. Both 50 Cent and Liam Gallagher have collections for sale onMoments and, although not necessarily all that good, obviously has some influence on the clothing of choice for consumers.

However, the interconnection of entertainment and fashion have gone beyond the talent, they moved more and more interaction on the site. America's Next Top Model, for example, is virtually a direct collaboration between the television and fashion to deliver customized content-based entertainment. The system will be operationalThe models and stars and the process of modeling fun.

Another example of the interaction can not be content in Sex and the City, in which the characters 'love', devotion and work for the fashion industry is one of the focal points for the series and movies to see conspiracies. The show and movie stars have now become synonymous with the fashion world, promoting her own fashion sense as well as approvals of interestthe fashion world in general. Many other shows and movies with a suit of this relationship, including Ugly Betty and The Devil Wears Prada, which was originally a book.

The lives of celebrities from the fashion industry are used as a source of inspiration for creative content like movies, books and television shows. The life of Coco Chanel, for example, has now been converted into a number of major films, including two with Amelie Audrey Tautou.

Whilethe world of fashion and entertainment are two separate entities in themselves, with the spread of many disciplines have increasingly aligned permanently connected and interdependent. I say how difficult this relationship over time, with such a broad context is already in place, but one thing is for sure, are always linked by ties of happiness, mutual respect and common interests.

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