The houses in astrology - Tenth House

The tenth house shows your profession, your reputation and your reputation (or lack thereof) in the community. It shows your ego, status, fame and promotion. It 's all about the benefits (realized or dashed) and how the world sees, evaluates and classifies them. Half of the heavens and the tenth house are usually the same thing (but not always) and not planets or aspects for the 10th (or in the middle of the sky) to emphasize how others see you, remember this area is the plot whereThey are classified as social.

As the home of your public image and how to present yourself is very important and any planets here to help you understand how others see you. This house will also tell you something about these "some" control over you (the government, your boss, you're parents! And any other authority figure) to carefully study the planets or aspects of the 10th contain a wealth of information.

No chart, you can say what jobshould have or not, but in a careful analysis, you can decide what kind of job or career that are most suitable. Studying the elements are the signs and planets in the 10th Some of the keywords for the 10th content: same-sex parents: your reputation: Careers: Fame: Goals: Hang-ups! As the home of the 10th House Hang-up demands that we respect what we have done or not done with our lives. We live true to ourselves or a step parent?It also contains information about relationships between same-sex ...

How we deal with it, or work) is represented by any planets in this house and in life, as we have seen (or otherwise responsible, as there are "classified." Remember, this little secret for a time on 10 Sun occur in this area and this month we have often somewhat embarrassed by anything we have said or done to -. If your public image planets transiting this house(Calling the moon a planet) for convenience we have our public image. Remember that, like it or not "first impressions go a long way" when people form a personal opinion of you - especially job interviews (the house work, remember /)

The reports here are impersonal (who was, he said: "There is no sentiment for the economy"), where, what you see is complete, what matters, not private life or thoughts should be authorized to take off or have seen. We are looking forall transits and aspects of this house and see if you're down the top or on the road to the house 10 is at the top of the charts ...

In this case, the following is coming do you think the sun shines, the moon will be remembered. Mercury is your intelligence, Venus, Mars will be good and gives you the power to achieve what ever you want to achieve. Jupiter can do everything for granted, while Saturn will be long and hard workTo get what he wants. Uranus and Neptune are all managed by somebody or rebel slave! Pluto force (if it is constructive or destructive use depend on other factors in the table).

Just as the 4th house is considered the 10th house is considered the spiritual home emotional (4 in front of 10 °). The fourth house is the past, the tenth house of the future. One is subjective(4) that the second goal (10th). The element of the character at the turn of the 10th to give clues as to what energy is available or the information they can to understand the 10th to apply. For instance, the earth would be practically, the element of fire was inspired to write. The air element is required to communicate, while the element of water invites you back to a time out and take it again.

Look at the second house (income) and the 6th house (work) forFor more information on 10 for the understanding of these houses, we reach the figure of 10. As will be seen and accepted the responsibility to manage those certain position in life. In work or career, it is usually those who have seen the order will be filled with confidence, to be favored by the authorities ...

Until next time, "Happy 10"

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